Pictures Of You

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Screams. Loud eerie screams and sobs that came out of Allies mouth. To everyone, it had sounded like a murder had just happened with a wailing Allie on the ground with her bone sticking out of her knee, and a petrified Cece standing in place above her, to afraid to move. Tears started brimming in Cece's eyes realizing her horrible accident she had made. Everyone started rushing over to the weeping Allie holding her knee with some blood covering her hands.

Everyone in shock not knowing what to do. Misty had grabbed something to apply pressure to Allie's knee but accidentally adding to much pressure causing her to scream more. "Get the fuck out of the way!" Coach Scott said to Misty, softly pushing her away. "We need an ambulance! There's a phone in Bill's office!" Coach Scott had said to one of them. Misty getting confused asked if it was Coach Martinez, to being replied by a yelling Coach Scott repeating yes. Lottie started to caress Allie's head in some sort of comfort, while Nat, Shauna, and Laura Lee tried calming and comforting her. Cece had her hand covering her mouth still in shock while turning her head to Tai seeing how bad they're plan had been.

Quiet. Not the type of quiet Cece would prefer, but its an eerie quiet that feels like it doesn't belong in a locker room or anywhere that involves loud noise. For the first time, Nat and Cece aren't next or near each other. Its like one of them has a virus and the others staying away. Cece's sitting on the floor next to Tai with her legs in her chest and her head buried in them, to scared to look up seeing Nat staring at her like a wolf staring at a rabbit ready to attack and feast on. That's when she started to hear someones cleats echoing through the quiet locker room.

Slowly, Cece tilted her head up and rested her chin on her arms without looking at Nat to see the face of whoever's footsteps it belonged to. It being Jackie, knowing she was going to say something to raise spirits, she gave Jackie her full attention. "I know we're all really worried about Allie. But, it might not be as bad as it looks." she said hoping that her words would help. It didn't. "You could see her fucking bones Jackie, I'm pretty sure it's exactly as bad as it looks." Nat said, with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "Oh god, I'm gonna throw up." Van said still with the image of Allie's bone sticking out of her knee stuck in her head. Jackie had tried to think of more words that would help and Laura Lee tried to help by saying. "The Lord works in mysterious ways." Slam. Nat had slammed her locker door and leaving her locker, causing Cece to jump at the sudden loud noise. "Nice work Taissa and Cecilia." she said, her words fading away while she was exiting the girls locker room.

On the walk home, Cece had her walk man blasting in her ears playing Pictures of you by The Cure. Her and Nat's second favorite song. They found it at record store while searching for some Nirvana cassettes they've haven't bought before. Ever since then, whenever Nat or Cece made each other mad, one would go to their backyard with a cassette player boombox blasting Pictures of you for their forgiveness. It worked. Until the neighbors would start complaining, but they wouldn't care. They're just two teenage girls, one in love and the other not realizing it.

Once Cece got to her house, she ran upstairs leaving thunders of her footsteps echoing the big, empty house with a rainy cloud above her head. Opening her bedroom door, having the feeling of joy being washed away with sadness. Belly flopping on her bed with some stuff animals falling off her bed because of her. Sobbing. That's all she did. Sob into her soft pillow that now had wet tear stains. That's when she heard a soft knock on her door asking to come in. Knowing that it was Mrs. Smith, she let her enter. "Hey sweetie. Why are you crying?" she asked questioning the red haired girl. She lifted up her head, wiping away her tears, and fixed her hair. "I'm not crying." she said little sob peaking through. That's when she started to break down again.

"Oh honey, what happened?" Mrs.Smith said rushing over to Cece and cradling her. And that's when she let it all out. "Okay, so basically me and Tai had a plan to freeze Allie out because she's shitty at soccer, excuse my language but she is. And we tried getting at least three or two people in it which didn't work because Natty thought that it was stupid. And I switched teams so I could freeze Allie out, but when I kicked the ball her bone somehow got out knee. It was bloody, she was on the ground and so much was happening! And now Nat is mad at me and Tai, and now she hates my guts and my whole life is ruined! she exclaimed sobbing while exhaling because she was holding her breathe. "I need a tissue." she said in a raspy voice, feeling her nose start to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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