Part 2 Resistance

Start from the beginning

Tails tries uploading a cheerful and optimistic personality to Y/N like Cream, but the robotic fox ends up speaking in a monotone and emotionless voice. Tails sighed in frustration as Y/N's voice came out flat and emotionless, completely devoid of the cheerful and optimistic personality chip he had tried to install. He stared at Y/N, who was looking back at him with a blank expression.


Next, Tails attempts to give Y/N a brave and courageous personality like Sonic, but the robot ends up being overly aggressive and confrontational. Tails crosses two wires, powering Y/N , their voice now filled with a sense of bravado and aggression that was not what Tails had intended. Y/N's eyes glowed brightly; their body tensed as if ready to take on any challenge.

"Uh, that's not quite what I had in mind," Tails muttered, scratching his head in confusion. He quickly disconnected the wires, returning Y/N to their normal state.


After a few more failed attempts, Tails realized that perhaps it was best to let Y/N develop their own personality naturally, rather than trying to force a specific one onto them. He decided to abandon the personality chip experiment for now and focus on other ways to help Y/N grow and develop.


As he finished up his work, Tails looked over at Y/N, who was patiently waiting for their next instruction. Despite the setbacks, Tails was determined to help Y/N reach their full potential and become a valuable member of their team.

"Alright, Y/N, let's go meet the rest of the Resistance. I think you'll fit right in," Tails said, giving the robot fox a reassuring smile.

Y/N turn their head in confusion, still processing the failed attempts at installing a personality chip. They nodded in understanding, ready to follow Tails wherever he led them.

Tails led Y/N out of his workshop and towards the Restoration's headquarters. As they walked, Tails explained the history of the group and the important work they did in helping to rebuild and restore Mobius after the Eggman war.

"War" It was a word that echoed through Y/N's head, but they don't understand. "War" Y/N repeated.

Tails noticed Y/N's confusion and paused, realizing that the concept of war may be unfamiliar to them due to their corrupted software memory. He gently placed a hand on Y/N's back, guiding them along as he explained.

"War is when there is conflict and fighting between different groups or factions. It can cause a lot of destruction and hurt a lot of people. The Resistancesgoal is to help rebuild and restore Mobius after the war with Eggman, so that everyone can live in peace and harmony once again," Tails explained patiently.

Y/N listened intently, trying to process the new information. They may not fully understand the concept of war, but they could sense the importance of the Restoration's work in bringing peace and unity to their world.

They approach the headquarters.

Amy notices Y/N behind him and assumes an attack position. "TAILS BEHIND YOU! ROBOT!"

Tails quickly steps in front of Y/N, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "No, Amy, it's okay! Y/N is a friend, not a threat."

Amy hesitates, looking between Tails and Y/N before relaxing her stance. "Oh, sorry about that." She offers a sheepish smile to Y/N, who stares in response.

Tails chuckles, relieved that Amy had reacted out of instinct to protect him. "It's alright, Tangle. Y/N is still learning, but they mean no harm."

Knuckles goes up to Y/N, crouches to their level and knocks on their head a couple times. "I don't think its function-

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