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"What did you say huh!? Do you wanna die!??" Chaneul said as he grabbed his collar.

"You're a fat ass and deaf?" Sunghoon scoffed but he was scared too.

"Hah.. Really? Let show you this fat fist instead" Chaneul said before he punched Sunghoon in the jaw that will definitely leave a bruise.

He tried to build up some courage and punched Chaneul and made his nose bleed.

Sunghoon was planning to provoke him more but a teacher who was passing by saw the two.

"What are you two doing!? Seperate! Let's go to the principal office" She said as he she gestured them to follow her.

Sunghoon was squealing inside. You may think he's a bit too desperate but that's the Jay effect.

"I'm ashamed to have you as my student Chaneul. You get into fights every week... And what did this poor boy even do to you?" The headmaster takes after listening about what happened.

"He literally provoked me! He was messing with me on purpose! And look!, he punched my nose so damn hard" Chaneul defended himself.

"Still, it was unacceptable for you to punch this boy. And you, maybe you didn't provoke him but you definitely punched him in his nose, why did you do so?" The headmaster said.

"It was self defence!" Sunghoon lied.

"I'm afraid I have to call your guardians. It's the new addmission season and students are visiting the campus. If they see things like these it'll scare them away" The headmaster sighed.

"But my parents have gone on a buisness trip to the Philippines" Sunghoon said.

"Do you have any other guardians? Any hyungs or noonas?" The headmaster asked.

"I do have a husband.." Sunghoon said timidly. Now he was a bit nervous about having to call Jay here.

The headmaster groaned. "What's with these children being married already!?"

But regardless of that, he called Haneul's parents and Sunghoon's husband.

On call

Hello, is this Sunghoon's husband..Jay? -Headmaster

Yes, why? -Jay

This is his headmaster calling you to inform that he has gotten into some trouble. As you're his guardian, I would like to have a talk with you here -Headmaster

What kind of trouble? And is he hurt? -Jay

We'll discuss that when you're here. Please hurry up -Headmaster

Let me talk to him- -Jay

Call ended

Sunghoon is kinda scared if Jay will get mad at him. Well, he knows Jay won't be mad for long but seeing mad is hot and scary at the same.

After sometime, Jake started hearing squeals and cheers indicating that his hubby is here.

"Are you okay babe?" Jay asked as soon as he entered and hugged Sunghoon.

EN-SHOTS [BxB]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon