Part 2 (what do we have here?)

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As the brothers and sisters were walking they reached the meadow. The oldest brother John Dory took a picnic blanket out of his hair and placed it on the ground, everyone sat down as they watched the critters running around a tree playing together. Branch took out a picnic basket out of his hair and took out some sodas and plates. "Why do you have a picnic basket in your hair? " the second oldest asked. "We're trolls, we always carry around food just in case a party suddenly pops up." Branch explained to Bruce, then he took a pie out of the basket and it everyone's attention. The smell, the perfect shape, everything the pie had was being focused by the trolls even the critters were floating in the air going towards the pie just by smelling the steam that was blowing in their direction.

Branch cut the pie into 9 pieces and put a piece on each of the trolls plates, of course he didn't forget Shelliot and Perky, he placed two pieces on the ground for the critters.. Everyone took a bite of the pie their eyes dazzled as they imagined themselves in a painting from the Sistine Chapel but instead of God's finger they were reaching out for a pie.

(I was too lazy to actually draw them, and I forgot to add Perky and Shelliot so just use your imagination

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(I was too lazy to actually draw them, and I forgot to add Perky and Shelliot so just use your imagination.)
"Branch... this is the most Delicious pie I've ever tasted!!" Clay said proudly to his younger brother. "Where did you buy this?" John Dory asked. "Oh this thing? I baked it myself, why?" Everyone was a bit shocked yet impressed with Branch's baking skills. "You baked this!? How come you've never told me can bake!?" Poppy asked confused. "I don't know maybe Because if you did then you would spread it around trollstopia that I can bake heavenly goods, then they would come by my bunker 24/7 asking me to bake a pie for them and not letting me get my personal space?" Silent filled the area, the critters finished eating their food and started playing again, Shelliot found a thick tree Branch on the ground so he picked it up and brought it to his owner hoping he might throw it so they could play fetch. Branch looked down at Shelliot who dropped a stick on the ground.

"Oh, you wanna play fetch Shelliot?" The critter nodded with excitement. Branch took the stick and threw it Shelliot happily chased the tree Branch and brought it back to the blue troll "Good boy!!" Perky found it fun and decided to join in. "Can I try?" Floyd asked his younger brother, he happily agreed and gave him the stick. Floyd threw the stick as far as he could, maybe a little too far cause it ended up in the woods. "Oh, sorry Branch.. I think I threw it way too far.." "Don't worry Floyd, we'll get another stick right guys-" Branch looked down to find the critters gone! Everyone turned to the direction of the stick and saw the critters running towards the forest."Perky, Shelliot! Don't go in there come back!!" Poppy shouted as they all ran in the woods. ☆✩☆✩☆✩
"Heh, those trolls don't know what's gonna happen to their little pets." The third shadow figure said as he watched the trolls run into the forest. "Everyone in position?" He Spoke to someone through a walkie talkie.
"Uhm. Of course we are dummey"
"Good, cause the baits are almost here..."
The critters searched around the the forest to find the branch Floyd threw. They had been running and searching for a while, they were so deep in the forest that they didn't realize they were so far away from the picnic. They finally found the stick near a giant willow tree. Perky happily picked up the stick and was about to go back to the fields when they stopped to see multiple pathways to different directions, they had forgotten which direction the trolls were. They were lost!

They sat under the tree and patiently waited for the Brozone and the sisters to come looking for them. "There you guys are!!" An unfamiliar voiced fought both of their attention. It was Poppy! But she was wearing a different outfit than the ones she usually wore, she also had star shaped earrings and a single ankle bracelet, her hair was in a different hair style. "Oh my gosh, we were so worried about you! Come on, let's go meet up with the others." She turned around and started walking hoping that the critters would follow her. The Grin-chilla and turtle had a very bad feeling about this troll so they decided to stay put under the willow, Poppy turned to see if the critters were following her but she pissed that the two stayed and sat still under the willow. "Uhm. What are you two doing? Get over here right now!!" The critters just turned their heads completely ignoring her.

The troll was furious and growled in anger. "I said, get over here or else I'll do something you won't like!!" The critters knew Poppy would never do something to harm them so they got up and walked towards the troll and stopped in front of a mud puddle. "That's what I thought." The troll felt independent that she finally got the critters to move but then the Grin-chilla and turtle jumped into the puddle and splashed mud all over her face, she screamed as they started splashing more mud on her. "Ahhh. Blegh ewww gross!!" The troll was cleaning off the mud on her face as the critters high fived and started laughing at her.

"Ughh fine!!! If that's how you want to play it." The troll was extremely pissed by the critters that her face turned red. "MARY, NOW!!" the troll shouted, then a flying marshmallow creature dropped a net on the pets. The marshmallow creature landed in front of the critters next to the Poppy duplicate. A purple red haired troll with a heart shaped chest hair entered between the pink troll and the marshmallow creature. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He teased the critters, the pets didn't like him one bit they showed him an angry look as they growled at the three. The purple troll got closer to the critters, close enough to even get bitten by them. "Aww, you two are so cute. Maybe we'll use the furry one's hair to make a little fur coat for you, Marshtata." The Grin-chilla was so annoyed that he tried to bite the purple troll but he quickly backed away and she missed.

"Yeesh, your feisty! No wonder the queen can live without you." The purple troll grinned. "Yah and the turtle one's shell would make a great mini mountain figure." "Why would you need a mountain figure?" The marshmallow creature asked. "Uhm, because why not?" The turtle whimpered a little and hid in his shell. "Alright enough of this nonsense, let's take them to our hideout." The purple troll said. "Oooh and on the way, can we steal that pie the Branch made!!" The marshmallow asked the purple troll. "Sure why not?" "Yezz!" The pink troll grabbed the net that was trapping the critters and swung it to her back and carried them as they walked away, the purple troll pulled out an envelope from his hair then placed under the willow tree and followed his friends to their secret lair.

(To be continued)
Word count: 1276 T-T
*If there were any grammar mistakes or word disappearances, you know what to do ;) *

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