Tails pulls out a screwdriver. "Just gotta make a few new adjustments." He reaches closer with it but the robot backs away, its eyes never leaving the screwdriver.

Tails quickly realizes his mistake and puts the screwdriver away, giving Y/N a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm here to help you."

Y/N looked at him with a mix of uncertainty and trust, slowly nodding in understanding. Tails could see the determination in its eyes as it gestured towards its throat, clearly wanting to be able to communicate.

Tails nodded, understanding the message. "I'll find a way to fix your voice box, I promise. But for now, let's work on getting to know each other. I'm sure we'll make a great team."

Y/N's eyes brightened at the prospect of working together, nodding eagerly. Tails couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy at the potential partnership they could have. Together, they would be unstoppable.

Later that night....

Tails presses the button behind Y/N's mechanical ear, but it doesn't work.

"Uh-oh," Tails muttered, trying to figure out what was wrong. He couldn't have created a malfunctioning robot, could he? He tried pressing the button again, but Y/N remained powered on.

Tails furrowed his brows in concentration, wondering what he could have missed during the creation process. He carefully examined Y/N's systems, trying to locate the source of the issue. After a few moments of tinkering, he finally found the problem - a loose wire that needed to be reconnected.

With a quick fix, Tails managed to power Y/N off successfully. He let out a sigh of relief, glad that the issue was resolved without much trouble. He made a mental note to double-check all the connections next time before booting Y/N up again.

He sighs lying back in his chair. "I can't believe I did it. I can't wait to show Sonic, Y/N has been my life goal, I've been working on them for so long I haven't really been able to see him or anyone else."

Tails glanced over at Y/N with a smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment at having successfully created his robotic companion. He couldn't wait to see what adventures they would have together and how they would grow as a team. But for now, he would enjoy the moment of peace and quiet, relishing in the success of his hard work. And as he drifted off to sleep, he knew that the future held endless possibilities for him and Y/N.

The next day...

Tails is seen in the kitchen on the phone while cooking some eggs.

"Hey Sonic, you know that project I've been working on?

"Yeah, the one that's kept you busy for the past 6 months? You barley come out of your house as it is. I haven't seen you in two weeks. The only time you go out is to either get "Supplies" or Mint ice-cream.

"Yeah, that's the one. Well, I finally finished it last night." Tails exclaimed, a mix of excitement and pride evident in his voice.

"Really? That's awesome Tails! When can I come over and see?" Sonic replied, his voice filled with eagerness.

"Anytime! Come over whenever you want." Tails said, a smile spreading across his face as he flipped the eggs in the pan.

"I'll be over in a flash! See you soon, Tails!" Sonic said before hanging up.

Tails couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment as he finished cooking his breakfast.

Y/N is in the living room staring at the ceiling fan, their robotic gaze never leaving it, Tails told them to wait here, so they did just that, not moving a muscle.

Once Sonic arrived, Tails eagerly led him into the living room where Y/N was waiting. Sonic's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of the robotic fox in front of him.

"Whoa, Tails! Is this your creation? It looks amazing! But what exactly is it?" Sonic exclaimed, a look of wonder on his face as he approached Y/N.

Tails beamed with pride as he explained, "This is Y/N, my latest creation. I've been working on them for months, and they're my new robotic companion. They may not be able to speak yet, but we're working on it."

Sonic nodded in understanding, impressed by Tails' ingenuity and skill. He reached out to pat Y/N on the head, giving them a friendly smile. Y/N looked at Sonic with curiosity, their glowing eyes reflecting the admiration they felt for their creator's long-time friend.

Tails watched as Sonic interacted with Y/N, feeling a sense of joy at seeing them bond so quickly. With Sonic's approval and support. "Their main software memory corrupted, so I'm basically working with a blank slate."

"That's amazing, Tails! I can't wait to see all the adventures you two will have together. And don't worry, I'll help however I can to get Y/N up and running smoothly," Sonic said, giving Tails a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Tails smiled gratefully at Sonic, grateful for his friend's unwavering support.

Y/N watched how Sonic interacted with Tails, they were confused. Was this new visitor a friend like Tails or someone to be cautious of? Y/N couldn't quite figure it out yet, but they trusted Tails' judgment. And as they watched Tails and Sonic bond over Y/N's creation, they couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and happiness.

Sonic then pats Tails on the back "Alright I gotta go help Amy with the Restoration, you should totally come by sometime, she's really missed you. Maybe bring Y/N along."

Amy another new name, Y/N's head whirred a bit processing the information.

Tails nodded enthusiastically, already thinking of the adventures they could have with Amy and Sonic. "I'll definitely come by sometime. Thanks for inviting us, Sonic."

As Sonic left, Tails turned to Y/N with a smile. "Looks like we have some new friends to meet and adventures to embark on, Y/N. Are you ready for this?"

Y/N's eyes glowed brightly, a sign of their excitement and readiness for the challenges that lay ahead. Tails couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and happiness, knowing that together with Y/N, they would be unstoppable.

He pulls out the screwdriver again. "Let's get that voice box fixed, shall we?"

Tails is sitting at the kitchen table with Y/N, carefully examining the robotic fox's throat area. Y/N watches with curiosity as Tails uses the screwdriver to open a panel, revealing the intricate wiring inside. Tails works carefully and methodically, reconnecting wires and adjusting components with precision.

As Tails works, he explains each step to Y/N, who watches intently, their glowing eyes showing a mix of interest and anticipation. Tails's gentle and patient demeanor reassures Y/N, making them feel safe and trusting in his abilities.

After a few minutes of tinkering, Tails finishes his adjustments and closes the panel. He gives Y/N a reassuring smile before pressing the button behind their mechanical ear, powering them back on.

Y/N blinks a few times, their eyes focusing on Tails. They open their mouth, and this time, sound comes out - a robotic voice, slightly distorted but audible.

"T-Tails...thank you," Y/N says, their voice filled with gratitude and relief.

Tails grins, happy to have successfully repaired Y/N's voice box. He pats Y/N on the head, a proud smile on his face. "You're welcome, Y/N. Now you can communicate with us properly.

Tails looks outside seeing that its already dark out. "Alright Y/N time to shut off."

Y/N nods in understanding, powering down obediently as Tails gently presses the button behind their ear. Tails smiles as he watches Y/N fall into sleep mode, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride in his creation.

As he sits alone in the kitchen, Tails reflects on the day's events. He couldn't be happier with how everything had turned out. With Y/N by his side, he knew they would make a great team and have many exciting adventures together.

But for now, Tails would rest and prepare for the adventures that awaited them in the future. With a content smile on his face, he turned off the lights in the kitchen and headed to bed, ready to dream of the endless possibilities that lay ahead for him and his new robotic companion.

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