"It's nice to see you my beautiful niece, do you remember consider the lilies?" 

She remembered that song with perfect memory, Mama Tina had always made her sing it every holiday party she thrown since she was younger, she'd never forget that song if she attempted to forget. 

"Still remember it like the back of my hand" 

"You remember the note you start off on?" 

Dinah nodded, gesturing him to start to piano "wanna sing this with me?" 

Dinah opened her eyes once she heard the applause coming from her family, she watched Giselle and Jey watch her proudly, and Lauren in awe as she held Regina. Dinah didn't realize how much she missed singing until she did it. 

"Your voice sounds a lot more stronger than it the last time I heard you sing...beautiful" He beamed. Growing up, he was her biggest fan even went as far as saying that Dinah would be the next Whitney Houston one day. It was a bit of a exaggeration as Dinah proclaimed it, but her uncle thought otherwise. 

Dinah smiled "Thank you Uncle, it's been a long time since I sang. It was release" 

"That's why we sing like we do here, to sing all of our worries and cares away" Her Uncle told her. 

"Dinah that was so good!" Chantel exclaimed "I didn't know you could sing like that, you've been holding out on me!" 

Dinah rolled her eyes once she got up and joined Chantel as they walked on the sidewalk, taking a moment away from the chaos that was a Hansen event  "I don't like to make it a big of a deal" 

"So you've been singing for how long exactly?" Chantel asked her. 

"Since I was a kid" 

"A kid? So this whole time you've been a secret music prodigy??" Chantel says, still surprised by Dinah's other talent. She didn't consider it a hidden talent, she just never boasted about being able to sing. Growing up in her household, it was quite normal to know to how to sing, music was a factor in her family. 

Dinah chuckled at the exaggeration "I wouldn't say that, it's just been a thing within my family that we do. Music has always been the center of my family" 

"You ever thought you could a music superstar one day?" 

Dinah chortled, the thought of being a artist wasn't something that ran through her mind "I mean as a kid I used act like I was like this big global superstar, but that's as far it could go. I never actually think it would happen. And that was always because volleyball became my passion first" 

"You have the talent and the voice, you got soul girl. I wouldn't be surprised if you did make towards the big stage" Chantel complimented. 

"Me being on a stage? Probably won't happen"  

"You could always be a ghostwriter" Chantel jokes "But it's good to see you smiling for once, I swear it's been a while since I last saw it" 

Dinah hummed taking a kick at the rock in the middle of her way "I guess I had a moment of joy being with my family" 

"I can also see you're still a bit distracted" Chantel pointed out. 

"I've been thinking a lot...about my future" Dinah said. 

"You're second guessing about volleyball?"  

"Yes...no..." Dinah groaned, she was still a bit torn "I don't know...maybe? My heart just isn't it"  

"It's okay if your feeling lost right now" 

"I think I've been pretty lost for quite sometime Lauren, coming back this summer, I'm like feeling myself detaching from certain things. Being on that volleyball court...it doesn't feel the same like it has for the past few years, and I've been trying to get that feeling back and it's like the more I force it-" 

"The faster the feeling disappear...so what are you going to do? Are you going to quit?" 

Dinah bit her lip, it would be reckless to quit right now, especially when they were so close to the finals and Dinah being co captain. Her team needed her. Lauren needed her. "The finals are coming up, it would just make zero sense to quit in the middle of all of that, I think I'm going to wait until finals come and then quit, it would be the best thing right now" 

"You think you might end up changing your mind if you guys make it to the finals?" Chantel asked. 

Dinah didn't know, the future was unpredictable that was for sure, but right now Dinah had never felt more certain in what her spirit was telling her "We'll just have to see when we reach that road...so you and JJ? What's the deal with that?" 

A tint of pink hit Chantel's cheek once Dinah asked "We're actually really good. He makes me happy, he actually asked me to be his girlfriend" 

Dinah gasped, happy for her friend "What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" 

"I mean you are currently dealing with your break with Olivia, I just wanted to be considerate" 

 Before she could answer, she felt her phone ring in her back pocket, taking it out to seeing Olivia's name plastered across her screen, her face furrowed in surprise. 

"Olivia calling me" Dinah said in surprise. 

"Answer it" Chantel gestured her. 

Dinah put the phone towards her ear "Hey Liv what's going-" 

"Jordan's in the hospital" 

"Jordan's in the hospital" 

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