The Trap and The Proposal

Start from the beginning

We were flying over London! I was having a great time and enjoying the view from above the clouds. It was enough to make me forget about my dad in danger. Though I was reminded of it when we descended over a telephone booth. What? Harry landed and helped Ron down and Luna, who landed next.

Once we all landed, Harry took a group and went into the booth, and after he dialled something, the booth just went down and another booth took it's space. Wow!

Once we all were down, Harry led the way towards the Department of Mysteries. Once we reached the entrance, he told us to keep our wands ready. Taking out my wand, I kept looking side to side, getting a bad feeling that someone was following us.

Once Harry had taken his prophecy, I could hear it whispering. Like it was calling me personally. I stepped forward and Harry leaned the crystal ball towards me. I could see the most clearing and suddenly I heard singing.

The infant who defeated the dark lord once,

Would have to defeat the Dark Lord again.

But this time with the help of the quarter veela,

Only she can save one of the two,

For neither can live while the other survives.

As soon as I heard that, I quickly shook my head and leaned back, hoping that Harry suspected nothing.

As soon as I leaned back, I heard a whoosh and put of nowhere, a man who looked similar to Draco is in front of us, with a group of people behind him.

I blanked out after that thinking about the prophecy. How did that stupid crystal ball know about me being a quarter veela? Yes, from my father's side. Dad's great grandmum, Lolita Black, was a veela from the Delacour family. Unfortunately, the veela powers do not pass onto men, and I was the firstborn girl child from my father's side. That makes me a veela. That frankly explains why guys were following me like lapdogs in the muggle world. Did not discontinue in the wording world as well.

Suddenly I was pushed by Luna and brought back into the real world, where all of us were throwing spells at the other men. Well then. Time to blast the suckers.

We all ran towards a door and when Harry pulled it open, we all pushed him. Bad choice. We were all free falling and suddenly out of nowhere I screamed, "arresto momentum!"

We all stopped a few inches above the ground. Emphasis on the few. Dean's nose was touching the ground. We all stood up and shook ourselves, and everyone thanked me. Me being me, I blushed a lot.

Harry looked around and went near to the big creepy arch. He then asked anyone if they could hear the whispers coming out of the arch. We all went near the arch and Luna was the only one who said yes. Hermione got worried and told him to come back but he did not listen. Stupid him.
Out of nowhere I heard a whoosh and the next thing I knew a hand was on my mouth and I was leaning against a body.

"Pretty girl you are." A rough voice whispered. "Very sure He would love to let me take you."

I had a clue to who he was. "Is he the Dark Lord by any chance?"

"And smart as well. Very good Black."

"It's not fair if you know my name and I don't know yours." I spoke, afraid that with a flick of his wand I would be dead on the spot.

"It's Dawlish. That's all you need to know." He whispered.

I was going to ask another question when Neville screamed, "Don't Harry!"

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now