Mother Part 2

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I fell in love with the house ever since I saw it last year. We had spent months trying to design the home to make it feel like a safe place to be and to make it feel like home. It was nice leaving my apartment and come live in a home, our home. Harry and I have been together for 3 years now, and we had several discussions on settling down. I loved our conversations of the future, our future together. We knew what we wanted from each other, and we wanted to start a life together. Purchasing a home together was the first step in making our dreams a reality.

For the past couple of months, you have felt distant from Harry. Of course, he's been busy with touring and writing songs, things that I have been super proud of him for. But sometimes, you've noticed that the days that he does come home, he's moody and doesn't want to talk to you about anything anymore. I can't help but sometimes wonder if I am not doing enough for him. Maybe I could spend more time on tour with him? Thomas keeps saying that he's just stressed with trying to make certain deadlines for the songwriting. I know he's been trying to make a new album and it's been difficult for him since he's on tour.

He's been like this for a couple of months though, which has been making you very lonely. I can't help but think that he doesn't love me anymore. He's coming home for the weekend which you were nervous about. Over and over breaking up with him has been on your mind. It wasn't because you didn't love him, because you do. It might just be easier for him to not have to worry about a relationship. Maybe some time apart, although you've had that time, could be good for the both of you. He can focus on finishing the tour and finishing the album. After thinking about it over and over again, maybe it can be a good idea.

It was Friday, you've finished cooking dinner, placing a plate inside the microwave for Harry for when he comes home. He texted you the previous day saying he would be arriving a bit late after the concert. You were washing the dishes when you heard the front door open. "Hello?", Harry says, projecting his voice throughout the room. "In the kitchen!", you yell, rinsing the dishes and placing them on the drying rack. You heard him come into the kitchen, his body now behind yours as he gives you a huge hug, his face buried in the crook of your neck. You turn the water off, finishing with the dishes, as you turn around to face him now, his arms still around you. "Hey", you shyly say to him, leaning up to place a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles down at you and grips you tighter, placing soft kisses on your forehead. "I've missed you", he whispers to you. "And I've missed you too", you say back to him, your face now leaning on his chest. "I've made dinner, it's in the microwave if you want to eat", you tell him, pulling away and walking over to the fridge to get a bottle of water out. "I've missed your cooking Y?N", he says walking over to the microwave and heating up the plate of food.

He sat down on the island in the middle of the kitchen and ate his food in silence. I sat there just watching him eat. You couldn't help but smile at his reaction to your cooking. He loved your cooking and one of your favorite things to do with him was cook. He can cook up some things that were so delicious. His eyes closed savoring the food in his mouth. After he was done, you grabbed his plate and washed them before placing them with the others. "That was delicious", he says, grabbing your hand and walking towards the couch in the living room. "Thank you. I cooked it with you in mind", you say sitting down next to him. You stayed silent for a bit, watching the TV. He was a bit different than the other times he's come by. He didn't seem moody at all which made you very happy. Maybe you guys were okay. "How have you been?", he asks you, giving you his undivided attention. He shifts on the couch to look at you. "I've been alright. I can't complain. Been working a lot for the album, making sure that everything goes smoothly for when you decide to bring it out"." Don't overwork yourself Y/N", he says giving you a slight smile. "I'm good. How have you been?", you say a bit hesitant. He stays quiet before answering. "I've been a bit stressed. Trying to juggle making a new album, giving a good show, press, coming home, visiting my mum", he says. You look at him as he's now looking at his hands, playing with the rings on his fingers. "Thomas mentioned that you were a bit stressed", you say. "You've been talking to him?", you nod. "Yeah, I mean we kind of have to considering that we work together", you say to him. He nods staying quiet. "I just asked him if you were okay, it was once", you reassure him. "It's alright, you don't have to explain yourself. I'll be alright, just busy all of the time. I feel like I'm not able to give you what you want sometimes", he confesses to you. You shift uncomfortably now, not knowing what to say to him. "It's alright you know?", you say hesitantly. "What?", he asks. "Taking a break from this", you say barely a whisper. He meets your gaze, your eyes trained on his face to see his reaction." We've worked so hard to get to where we are", he says to you. "I know. But it's not fair for neither of us. We both know how much we love one another H", you say taking his hands in yours. "You and I both know that it would be for the best", you say. He nods his head, his eyes getting a bit glassy at the realization that you're right. "I don't want this more than you do H. It would be one less thing for you to worry about", you add. He squeezes your hand and pulls you to him, placing you on his lap. "It'll just be temporarily?", he asks. You smile. "Yes. Whatever time you need, I'll be here for when you decide to come back", you tell him, placing your hands on his face and giving him a kiss on the lips. You pulled back but he pulls you back in, deepening the kiss, his hands now on your face. "Let's have one night together?", he whispers against your lips. You knew it was a bad idea considering the fact that this would be harder on the both of you. You yearned for him though, you wanted his body against yours, making love to you, his lips on your body, his hands roaming all around. "One night", you whisper back to him. He led you upstairs into your room and he made love to you all night.

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