chapter 4

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Sunghoon's pov~

I was sitting in a boutique with Heesueng waiting for mrs. Kim to arrive with sunoo and decide his wedding dress. I had already hired the best designers yesterday when I had returned back to my mansion .

While I was finalizing the decor of the wedding hall I saw that mrs. Kim was entering with sunoo and Jake they both were looking surprised and I got the idea that mrs Kim again did not tell the boys where were they going .

I glanced at sunoo and couldn't stop staring at it him I have to say thathe was looking ethereal

I glanced at sunoo and couldn't stop staring at it him I have to say thathe was looking ethereal

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(Imagine the guitar does not exist )

While I was starring at him we made eye contact for a really short span and he quickly averted his gaze .I saw that his cheeks had a slight tint of red and smirked at his expression .

Third person pov~

Mrs Kim dragged sunoo and Jake towards the collection of beautiful wedding dresses.

Sunghoon looked to his side to say something to Heesueng but saw that Heesueng was starring at Jake ...again.
Sunghoon could sense the emotions that Heesueng held in his eyes while staring at Jake .

Sunghoon coughed a little to grab Heesueng's attention and bring him back to earth .

Heesueng instantly snapped out of his daydream and looked towards sunghoon who was giving him a teasing smile which made Heesueng blushed a little cause he knew that he had been caught .

Sunghoon instantly shifted his emotions back to his cold aura as if he was not playfully teasing Heesueng just a few seconds ago .

"Call soyoen noona and tell her that a guest will be there today and also tell her to pick up sunha from her school today ." Sunghoon said

Heesueng nodded and left to call soyoen .

Sunghoon turned back and saw that mrs Kim was coming towards him and both the brothers were following her and saw that sunoo had a dress in his hands .

"Mr.park sunoo hs decided this dress I know it's too simple and boring but this brat doesn't decide anything else " she said with a annoyed tone while taking the dress from sunoo and showing it to sunghoon.

Sunghoon looked at the dress and saw that it was a offshoulder plain white silk gown which had some little designs at the edge of the dress it was simple yet elegant and sunghoon also liked it .

"Do you like this dress"sunghoon asked calmly looking at sunoo

Sunoo nodded a little his head still down and was starring at the floor

Sunghoon nodded back and said "if he likes it then this is selected and this is not boring it's really elegant "

"And don't you dare disrespect sunoo" said sunghoon with a stern voice to sunoo's mother

Criminal Love(A Sunsun AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora