After School 22

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* Jungkook gulped and went straight to his room, Taehyung smirked and followed jungkook inside the room, the set up all the things they needed for the assignment, they helped each  other  and  finally  the  finished  their  assignment  with  small  breaks *

Taehyung:  kookie,   I'm  exhausted!!

Jungkook: me  too!

* Tae looked at jungkook  and smirked,  jungkook  did  not  understand  why*

Jungkook:  why u lookin at me like that?  I'm so exhausted, nope, not doing anything  today!

Jungkook:  why?  Why u lookin like that? N-O-T-H-I-N-G  I-S  G-O-N-N-A  C-O-N-V-I-N-C-E  M-E!!!!!!!

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Jungkook:  why?  Why u lookin like that? N-O-T-H-I-N-G  I-S  G-O-N-N-A  C-O-N-V-I-N-C-E  M-E!!!!!!!

Taehyung:  ok, ok


This is a big boring book, but I continue to write it only because I want to, it looks like you don't like it anymore and hate it and I already told you all that I'm trying, there is soo much pressure in my life, I'm soo young but still, no one gives me hope, and I always tell u guys to vote! At least "1", but I think it is waste to do so, but thankyou all for reading at least a few parts, thank u

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