Annoying Loser

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Day 21 of Mu Qing becoming Feng Xin one and only concubine, he really wonder on what was Feng Xin is so afraid of having woman concubine? heh cowards. thats what Mu Qing thought.

Mu Qing stared himself at the mirror he wonders, why did Feng Xin choose him? is it because of his look? is it because of his personality? or... Feng Xin just really like him? what is wrong with him?! he looks like such a loser! but Mu Qing sigh.

"Why do I feel bittersweet love with him... why can't I understand him?" Mu Qing gets up and walks to downstairs. Mu Qing walks to Feng Xin who seems busy.

"Feng Xin can we talk in private?" Mu Qing ask.

"Sure" Feng Xin stops doing his works. as they walk into private room.

"What Is it?" Feng Xin ask while raising his eyebrow, As Mu Qing sigh.

"Why are you such cowards when it comes to women? didn't you lose oyur virginity because of women?" Mu Qing ask, and Feng Xin try to hold his anger.

"Well you see Mu Qing... Dear... That was the past so let the past be the past" Feng Xin grits his teeth.

"Huh, Are you sure? Or you are not brave enought to be manly?" Mu Qing smirks.

"Shut up!" Feng Xin shouted.

"Yeah right, your scaredy cat loser" Mu Qing chuckled. As Feng Xin jumps on him and pinned againts the floor.

"Apologizes!" Feng Xin yelled.

"Never!" Mu Qing try to fight back. Feng Xin tightens his grips around Mu Qing's neck.

"Choke me all you want fuck head!" Mu Qing grins.

"Your loser dumbass cowards! why did I even choose you to be my concubine!" Feng Xin groaneds.

"I don't know! why did you?!" Mu Qing ask.

"Because I love you goddamn it! Your such a loser and cry baby! but I don't understand why I really wanted to love you and hate you!" Feng Xin shouted. Mu Qing eyes widen.

"You're the loser ass..." Mu Qing looks the other way while blushing.

"Shut up you actually fucking love me" Feng Xin rolled his eyes.

They went silent as they started blushing.

"I hate you..." Mu Qing wrappeds his arm behind Feng Xin's neck.

"Kill yourself" Feng Xin held Mu Qing on the cheek and kiss him passionately. its just their love languege to love and hate each other. Mu Qing now understand why he loves him in, its because Feng Xin see Mu Qing as loveable loser that he can't lose...

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