Chapter 1

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You zoom past pedestrians as fast as you could possibly go. You loved the feeling of the wind in your face! You were riding your brand new skateboard to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. You were wearing a (F/C) shirt with ripped shorts and a sleeveless (O/F/C) leather jacket. You couldn't wait to get to your first class, AWAY from everybody else. You never really liked to talk to people. Oh, and you also were very mean to people, but you don't know why. You were the girl that sat at the back of the classroom and doodled in her notebook the entire time. You weren't bored you just already knew everything. You were a genius if you do say so yourself. Especially since you were only eleven when you got out of High School and now you are going to an institute at THIRTEEN years old. Cool right! So when you applied at SFIT you were super excited, but you couldn't tell anyone since:

A- you have no friends

B- you are an orphan

And C- you didn't get out that much.

Well, you did go out for bot-fights. Your bot (almost) always won! (And I am NOT telling you since you might steal my idea!) That's how you made a living. You made sure to get a lot of money at each fight. It took a big amount of cash to sustain a thirteen year old.

You stopped at a crosswalk and counted down to when you could take off again. Once the sign changed to walk you pushed off as hard as you could and sped down the sidewalk. You stopped in front of SFIT and kicked your board up. You watched as it flipped in the air twice and you caught it under your arm, like you always do.

"Sweet trick dude!" A guy with a beanie over his blond hair said.

You pulled your helmet off and let your (H/C) hair drop out.

"I'm a girl nerd!" You shouted back.

He stood there with a look of complete shock on his face.

"Hey Fred, wait up!" A black man with dreadlocks called.

"Dude you should have seen the sick trick this girl just did!" Fred said to the black guy.

Your hatred for people kicked in right at that moment. So you decided to call Fred a very unsavory name.

"Later dorks!" You yelled at Fred and the guy with dreadlocks.

You could see a group of people starting to come near the two and you ran as fast as you could to your first class. You sat down just in time as the bell rang. You were seated comfortably in the very back of the classroom. You were just about to pull out your notebook when something terrible walked in. It was that guy Fred and he had a group of buddies with him.

"Aw hell nah!" You whispered as the group of six sat down in the row in front of yours.

'Great, just what I need in the first day of school!' You thought bitterly. Oh, and did I mention that Fred decided to sit right in front of you. Yes! Right in front of you! Luckily he didn't turn around the entire time. Now you could study everyone without being noticed.

First you noticed Fred. He had on a green beanie that was pulled over blond hair. He wore a red t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt. Dark grey pants and white shoes with green shoelaces finished off the hipster look. Next was the black guy with dreadlocks who sat next to Fred. And let me tell ya, he was BIG. As in very tall. He wore a green sweater and long black pants with black shoes. Next to him sat a girl with purple streaked hair and a short sleeved leather jacket. She had a white shirt under the jacket and had on black and red shorts layered over black leggings. Lastly she wore blue and black sneakers. 'Odd' you thought. She sat next to a tall man with a black baseball cap. He dressed in a plain white t-shirt with a green cardigan over top of it. This was paired with rolled up brown pants and mint green high tops. he looked like he was talking to the short kid sitting at the table next to him. This kid wore tan pants that reached past his knees, a red shirt under a navy zip-up hoodie, and coffee colored tennis shoes with bright yellow shoelaces. You saw a slender girl tap the kid on the shoulder and start talking to him. You could tell she was definitely a girly girl. Especially with her six inch, yellow heels. Everything she wore was either yellow or pink. She had a yellow coat and a pale yellow shirt that matched her headband. She also wore white leggings and bright orange socks. Lastly she wore a set of hot pink framed glasses. 'So she wears glasses like me huh?' you thought. You didn't have your glasses with you since you wore contacts. The class bell rang and you waited till everyone else had left so you could finally go. You tore off to your next class which was (L/F/S). You groaned in agony. Why did it have to be (L/F/S)? You hated that class. You barely scraped by each time with a passing grade. (Which to you is an A)


So what do you think of the story? I hope you like it! And I want to let you know that I am writing this a 1:00 frickin' AM. Do you know how sleepy I am!? Well anywho, leave comments below. Oh and Tadashi will be alive in this one. I like it this way and I think you do to. ;)

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