part 2 - the video

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y/n's pov

i rubbed my eyes before opening them as i awoke from my dream.  remnants of purple was all i could remember. i never really liked the colour purple, so it was odd. i didn't think too much about it before getting up. like every other morning, i turned my alarm off and headed to the kitchen. i made my food, but something felt different. i didn't know how to explain it, or what to do, so i ignored it and went to shower.

today was the shoot, so i was nervous. but i had been nervous before, many times. this wasn't the same.

hailee's pov

the shoot was booked for 2-10, so it was gonna be a long day. even worse, i had no ride. nell is sick, and since i'm only in new york for a little while doing work, i don't have a car. so i'm gonna uber there. which is fine, but not ideal. it was around noon now, so i decided to get ready. i hopped into the shower for a while, then decided i should eat ahead of the shoot. it was pretty close, but i wanted to get there early to be able to get prepared.

y/n's pov

i left home at 1:30, getting there at 1:45, before anybody else. except for hailee. i opened the door to the building and saw her waiting at the desk where all of the dancers would sign in. i looked at the floor nervously before walking closer. she gave me a smile and moved slightly, giving me room to write on the paper with my information. "y/n, right?" she asked. i paused for a moment. "um, yeah." i smiled at her, while simultaneously losing it a bit. "you excited?" she leaned against the desk as she spoke. "yeah, a little nervous to be honest." i said. "how come?" she asked. i decided i might as well tell her the truth. "well, i haven't danced as much as i used to recently. and i didn't have a ton of time with the choreography, so i just don't wanna mess up." she instantly changed expression. she looked a little... offended? "are you serious? you're great. you did so well last time." i smiled instinctively. "oh... well, thank you, hailee."

another dancer walked through the door, and hailee introduced herself. we all knew her, obviously. but she was trying to be nice i assume. but when a dancer would walk in, hailee would ask them their names. she knew mine. i know it means nothing, but jesus, i am feeling weird. i can't like her, like that. she's gonna be out of my life in a few days.

the day continued as normal. lots of dancing, lots of water, lots of sweat. we all had a break around the middle to get some food. hailee ordered a few pizzas for the crew so we all sat down, ate, and chatted. i didn't say much. hailee, at the other end of the table didn't either. we occasionally shared looks a few times, and sometimes i would look without her looking back.

we got back to work, and finished the things we had to film. the video wasn't completely done, but only hailee was needed for the rest. so we all packed up our things and got ready to leave. everybody started to go out the door while i stayed back to use the bathroom. when i came back, everyone was gone. but when i left the building, hailee was still standing outside.

 but when i left the building, hailee was still standing outside

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she noticed me leaving and gave me a smile. "have a good night. thank you for doing this." i walked closer to her. "no, thank you. it was a great experience." i looked away at the dark atmosphere. "are you waiting for somebody?" she took a breath, kind of embarrassed. "uh, yeah. i'm about to get an uber." i looked at her. "i can give you a ride, if you want." she smiled. "no, it's okay. i don't wanna ask you to do that." i laughed softly. "hailee, get in. i promise it's okay." she bit her lip. "are you sure?" i gave her a reassuring nod as i unlocked my doors. "you can put your bag in the back seat." she opened her door and set her bag on the seat beside her. i got in after her and started up the car. "thank you, y/n." i smiled at her. "it's really okay." i continued to talk as i started driving. "so, where am i going?" "um, it's pretty close. its the hotel a few minutes away from the studio from the rehearsal." i drove in that direction once she said that. "you going back to LA now?" i looked a her. "soon. only a couple more days here. i'm gonna miss New York." i looked at her. "really? i've always wanted to go to LA. we should just switch." she chuckled. "that's a good idea, y/n." i continued driving, occasionally glancing at my passenger who seemed nervous. "i'm glad i got to meet you, hailee." she smiled. "you too." we got to a red light and stopped. "can i ask you something?" she said. "sure."

hailee's pov

i adjusted my seating. i was very nervous. i probably shouldn't have been thinking this, let alone doing it. but i realized it was my only chance. "are you... single?" she raised an eyebrow as the light turned green. she didn't start moving until a car honked at us. "uhh... what? yes. i am. why?" i sighed nervously. "well, i only have a little while left here. and i like you. i have the day completely free tomorrow. i understand if you aren't interested, but i wanted to ask." all she did was look at the road. "i... wow. uh... sure. yeah." i smiled. she pulled up to the side of the road at my hotel. "give me your phone." i said. she did, and i put my number in her phone. she still said nothing. "thank you for the ride. text me whenever you want. i'll see you tomorrow. goodnight, y/n." i grabbed my bag and opened the door. before i closed it, she finally said something. "goodnight, hailee." with a smile. that was it, but it was perfect. i closed my door and smiled at her through the front glass before walking into the building.

y/n's pov

i stayed parked for a few minutes before finally driving off. what just happened?

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heyyy. so i know it's already been close to a month and i've only done 2 chapters, but i'm starting to get a little motivation here and there so hopefully that helps. once again, please leave any suggestions or feedback in the comments or in my dms. thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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