ohh god im bored in this shit room..
my thoughts broked when i heared a knock i open door and it was vihaan i was about to lock it again but he said -" i just wanna say tommorow is reception just don't create mess in front of people"

i nodded and closed the door...
"reception marriage fuck all these everything is lie he warned me not to create mess well whatever i even dont care ..."

i miss my friends ...
i pick up my phone and texted ruhi rudra in our trio group chat....


ruhi-hy how are u bbe
rudra- how was ur night?

me- guys actually i wanna tell u something i need u both

ruhi- are u fine did someone hurt u ?
rudra - yah tell us we will not leave them!

me- i will tell u in real tommorow is my reception and u re coming okey!! its order!!

ruhi- we are coming till night okey! take care
rudra- yes wait for us and don't worry u have us!

i throwed my phone and decided to took shower i took shower and wore some baggy clothes....
i decided to go out for some time...
i open door and coming downstairs where i saw Karthik vihaan were busy in their laptops and aktiri rehaan were seeing tv in hall...

i came downstairs and going outside when aktiri said -"bhabhi sa where are u going"
i turned back and about to answer in arrogent but then i remember vihaan words and i just simply said-"outside"

"bhabhi sa i wanna also go can i join u "- rehaan said with excitement but i refused and said-"i wanna go alone "
i left the house while rehaan was sad but I don't care but rehaan was not in thay vedio maybe he is innocent?
he didn't said anything to me from starting nor he was in that vedio...

i came inside again and saw rehaan was upset while aktiri was trying to calm him..
"rehaan"- i said while he looked at me with sad pout
"u wanna go out?"- he nodded as yes and i smiled and said -"come before i leave u"
i came outside again while he came and hugged me and said -"thank you bhabhi sa"
i nodded and we left outside....

i was upset that she refused to rehaan he is innocent well not much innocent he killed people brutally whoever oppose our family but he don't know anything this as he was out of country he was upset but then sia again came and took him
i smiled while aktiri saw me with pout face
"bhai sa i also wanna go with bhabhi sa"- she said
i just patten her head and said -"one day u will sure akriti"

idk i did right or wrong but i invited rehaan with me...
we are walking out of palace..
"bhabhi sa let's use bicycle"- he said
and i agreed we took bicycle and left outside i know guards are following us quitely but until they are not troubling my personal Space its fine with me...
everyone were looking at us like they saw ghost...
we stopped at cafe and said -"rehaan let's eat something"
he nodded we gone inside the cafe...

"mam what u would like to order"- a waiter came and asked us
"one chocolate pastery+ waffles"- i said
"cold coffee"- rehaan said
the waiter left...

"rehaan"-i said
"jii bhabhi sa"- he said
"umm nthg"- i said
he looked at me with confused look

"bhabhi sa u know i loved a girl"- he said out of sudden that make me chocked
"bhabhi sa water "- he said while offering water
"rehaan why u are saying this to me?"- i asked

"bhabhi sa i left for Canada for my studies 3 years ago and there i meet a girl she was so beautiful and i falled for her but u know she left me cheated me for a guy"- he said whil sadness
i looked at him with concern face and he again said -" bhabhi saa when i meet u i find a mom in u and a friend with whom i can share idk what u saw what was that vedio i even don't know bhai sa was engaged or something but i will say bhabhi sa just listen him once"

i was just looking at him and our order came he changed the topic bcz he knew it i was becoming uncomfortable....

we shared alot of memories and alot of stuffs...
after eating we go to lake then we gone to eat ice cream few stalls food and did fun as i always do with ruhi rudra....

after alot of fun it was evening already and we were sitting on table in park...
the words he said were roaming inside of me somewhere but finally i decided to answer him and said -" rehaan it's not possible Everyone get love and that's even not possible that whom u love that person love u back too as u do "

after saying it i wake up and start waking while holding cycle as he was confused what i meant by
but he came and start walking with me...

"bhabhi sa love is the feeling that noone can change or deny even u urself can't deny the feelings and u can't see that person hurted then even that person hurted u "

i looked at him with confused look and he again said -"u will understand my words some day bhabhi saa"
i didn't asked him further questions about this...
and went to palace while chit chat where i saw vihaan was seeing us from garden........

hello guysss
hope u read the chapter and liked it....
i thought to make a simole chapter bcz there is only drama from starting.....

but now the real love story will start with hate
hate will turn into love and misunderstandings will be faded away.....

thank you so much for ur alots of love....

thank you

to be continued.........

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