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When CatNap woke up, the first thing he could smell was bacon. His stomach growled, and he realized he didn't really have much in terms of food outside of yesterday's picnic.

Yesterday...oh, right. He was in DogDay's house. He was on DogDay's couch. With DogDay's blanket wrapped around him.

CatNap peeked over the couch. DogDay was making a delicious breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, and orange juice. 'Wow, he's really going all out today, huh?' CatNap thought.

"Oh, you're awake!" DogDay said, smiling as his tail wagged.

CatNap jumped slightly, then smiled back. "Yeah..." he replied.

They ate breakfast quietly together. CatNap helped clear the dishes, and was about to leave when DogDay asked, "Hey CatNap?"

The cat stopped to look at him.

DogDay's ears drooped a little. "Be careful out there, okay?"

CatNap smiled reassuringly. "Of course. I'm a cat, after all. I can survive many things." Then he left.

DogDay stood there for a few moments before sighing and going out to watch over the rest of the Smiling Critters.

[Stop crying, it was just a dog.]

"Am I crying?"

[Yes, you are. Stop it. It's inappropriate for a follower of mine to cave in to weakness like this.]

"Crying is a weakness?"

[Yes. You're showing a tender side of you that has no place being there. If people see you like this, they'll take advantage of you.]

"I'm sorry. It's just...he wouldn't stop barking."

[You let me handle it. He won't be barking for long.]


[Is everything okay?]

"Yes, my lord. Everything's just fine."

[Good. Now go take care of the intruder.]

CatNap watched from his window as DogDay laughed and played with the other Smiling Critters. He didn't feel too great today. He had felt a sudden warmth spread through his body, at the tips of his ears and tail, in his cheeks, and in his stomach spiraling down through his hips.

He had a general idea of what was going on (it was a once a month thing), but he ignored it for the most part. Still, it made him ache a little. CatNap mewled in discontent, laying on his bed and eating some tuna fish from a can. Granted, he could be lazy sometimes, but he genuinely liked being outside with the rest of his friends. Seeing them do fun stuff without him made him feel saddened.

CatNap grabbed one of his pillows and placed it between his legs. Then he fell into a deep but sore sleep, where his dreams were but moments, dashing from one scene to the next. Then, as the chaos in his mind settled, an elongated, skeletal hand reached for him.

A knock at the door startled CatNap awake. Hyperventilating, he eyed the front door. He didn't want to get up, but ignoring whoever it was on the other side would be rude. Besides, what if one of his friends needed help?

Growling in a low volume, CatNap dragged himself out of bed and walked to the front door. When he opened it, there was DogDay...with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, CatNap. You doing okay?"

Surprised (and maybe a bit embarrassed), CatNap nodded. "Oh, um...yeah I'm fine."

DogDay smiled. "Good. I was just worried, is all. Haven't seen you in a while."

CatNap paused, wondering what to do or say. DogDay's concern really meant a lot to him, close should he let him be during a time like this?

" busy?"

DogDay shook his head. "No. The others will be fine without me for a few hours. want me to go away? If I'm bothering you..."

Some strange panic took over CatNap's heart as he shook his head. "No, no! Please, make yourself at home." He gestured inside.

As DogDay strolled in, he started sniffing the air. At first, CatNap thought he left the stove on or something. Then he realized what it was and blushed, cursing himself for not lighting some scented candles to eliminate the smell. His smell.

Understanding seemed to fill DogDay's eyes. "Oh..." he softly replied. "Oh. Um...listen CatNap. If you need anything at all, like food or more pillows or company, just tell me. I'll...try to make this less painful for you."

CatNap seemed stunned. Did DogDay really get what was happening to him? Even more surprising, he didn't look too confused or embarrassed about this. If anything, the dog seemed curious.

"Um, uh...thanks, DogDay. That...really means a lot to me." CatNap tried to smile.

'He smelled me. Great...'

They sat down on the couch. DogDay frowned slightly in concern when he saw CatNap hugging the pillow to his body. "Is it...a bad cycle this time around?"

CatNap nodded, groaning softly as he stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, buddy. I wish there was a way for me to help," DogDay said.

"I guess it's just nice having someone here to talk to..." CatNap replied. "What's everyone else up to?"

DogDay smiled. "Oh, they found this Frisbee. They go back and forth between throwing it and kicking it, haha."

CatNap smiled back. "That sounds fun."

After some silence, DogDay scooted closer. "So, maybe we can watch a movie together?"

CatNap perked up. "I'd like that. What do you want to watch?"

"How about Three Stooges?"

"That sounds great. I haven't watched anything funny in a while."

DogDay went and retrieved the tape. He popped it into the VCR and sat back down. "There you go. Maybe you'll feel better after a good laugh."

CatNap looked over at the TV, still hugging the pillow. Moe slapped Curly and sent him into a chair, making the two Smiling Critters chortle with laughter. CatNap crawled over and lay in DogDay's lap as they continued to watch the show.

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