The aftermath: part 1

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Livia POV

For the next year livia would grow closer to Arachne and see her as her best friend and Arachne seemingly did so as well, livia would comfort arachne when she had nightmares about her brother and arachne had comforted her
They had talked about all kinds of things and it made her feel as good as she could be even though the war still continued she was still scared but having arachne there holding her and stroking her hair and calming her down whenever she had nightmares and livia would comfort arachne when she would wake up because she could never stop dreaming about her brother

Livia remembered being awoke from her sleep the the first time they met to the sound of arachne screaming and crying in her sleep

Livia didn't know what to do so she shook arachne til she woke and then hugged her tightly
For several minutes that felt like hours until livia asked her if she was alright and arachne answered back in a small voice a simple "no"
Then she asked if arachne wanted to talk about her nightmare because livia had nightmares too and as far as she was concerned arachne was her friend
arachne told her how her brother died while holding her livia felt awful she couldn't image what losing a sibling like that and after saying words of comfort and assuring arachne that she wouldn't die while she slept and arachne went to sleep she made a promise to herself that she would always be there for arachne and always be her friend.

A year past since her and arachne became friends
And when she was informed by her father that the war ended and the capitol won

Livia had never felt so much happiness and relief and she pulled arachne into her arms

———————Arachne POV——————————-

Arachne made a new friend in livia during the last year of the war , their parents were always coming and going since they were often summoned by the president but they alway made sure to bring back food and other supplies so that the girls wouldn't starve.

Her and livia would always talk to each other about what they liked arachne told her that she likes pretty nails, dolls, and dressing up , And livia told her that she likes drawing, dolls, and pretty dresses, and together they drew pictures with whatever colors they had, they drew pictures of trees, buildings, dresses and other pictures.

arachne had asked livia what livia's favorite colors and livia told her that her favorite colors were yellow, black, and red, and when livia asked her the same question arachne told her that her favorite colors were black, white , and pink and so they began using only those colors whenever they drew.

one night arachne and livia had discussed their potential futures 

" i want to be an artist " - livia said

arachne chuckled and responded - "i want to make pretty clothes"

livia smiled and told her that she'd want her to make her dresses

arachne giggled and hugged livia who hugged back and that night arachne hoped that they would be able to do what they wished to do and arachne liked livia's pictures

and when she and livia were told that the war was over and that the districts had lost she was pulled into a hug by livia and arachne hugged back as tight as her little arms could and was happy  that she and livia could acheive their dreams.

Star and Flame  ( livia x Arachne) Where stories live. Discover now