8th month: Chapter 32

Start from the beginning

I later then went to the park...mainly grass where people ran and played

"Fern ,April, Theodore!" a woman said from the distance



I mean, there are good names, but one of them was literally my birth month, and the other two are people I knew from school

I later went to a clothing store to shop for some more baby clothes

"Oh, which one..hot pink and light blue or..."

"Hey, I'm Sky..are you OK?"

"Yeah, im fine...by the way I like your name,"

"Thanks, my mom named me that because she thought that sky was a calming name and she needed some calmness in her life," Sky said

"Wow, that's so nice.. I'm kinda struggling on names for my children,"

"Well, just think what makes a happy name?"

"Happy name?"

"Like, what's a name you associate with something good in your life?" Sky said

"You know what, that's a good idea," I said to her

"Guess I did need help from you after all,"

"haha yeah that's what store workers are for,"

A few hours later, I took a calm stroll near the lake

I then saw a woman walking her dogs

"Aww, what sweet dogs."

"Thanks," the lady said

"What are their names?" I asked her

"Melvin and Jean"

"Well, I think it suits them well," I said to the lady

"I would love to talk more, but I've gotta go."

"Bye then," I said

i really don't see myself calling my children Melvin and Jean

maybe if i get two dogs, though

I eventually made it home from a long day

"Glad to be home," I said to myself

"Guess Dipper's still out at work," I said

"Pacifica?" a voice said from the living room

"Who was that?" I said

"me Mabel"

I walked onto the living room to see Mabel there

"Hi...what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just...really...like your house..."

"Mabel, did you get locked out of your house?"


"This is the second time it's happened this month -"

"Pacifica, I swear I took the keys with me when I left," Mabel said

"Fine, you can stay here for a bit,"

"Don't worry, I won't stay long just until Sage replies,"

"What do you mean?"

"I trust her enough, so I gave her a pair of spare keys... she said she went somewhere though, so let's hope she comes soon," Mabel told me

"ok...but seriously how long have you been here-"

"2 hours tops...also you might need to restock your fridge again"

"ok, anyways, I haven't heard much about Sage since the first time you met her..how is she?" I asked Mabel

"she's fine she's also a really nice person,"

"Cool, maybe I can meet her again sometime."

"That would be nice..." Mabel said

"But?" I said

"Umm, she's leaving to go to Vancouver next month, but she still has one more month here,"

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Yeah, but it's been nice getting to know her,"

"Mh...would you like a drink?" I asked Mabel

"Yeah, sure," She said

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass cup from the cupboard

"Mabel, where are most of the things I put in my smoothie?" I asked Mabel from the kitchen

"What do you mean?"

"Like the fruits...and juice...and everything else..."

Mabels POV

I heard Pacifica, but I had too much on my mind after I realised that next month everything's happening

Sage leaves
I have to decide that offer
Pacifica's children

and yeah, I'll admit I was a bit anxious, but I know after everything will be fine

I hope

"There!" Pacifica said as she placed the glass of water in front of me

"Thanks," I said to her

"It's probably the best and cheapest smoothie I've made," She said

"Pacifica, this is water -"

"Mabel, next time you come to my home, don't eat and drink all the juices and fruits, then maybe you'll get a better smoothie," Pacifica said to me

"Fine.. I was just hungry."

"Don't ask me for food cause my kitchen is as empty as a desert after you took all the food -"

"ok bye, see you later," I said to Pacifica before rushing out of the door

luckily, Sage had texted me just in time, and I met her by my house

"Hey, sorry, this doesn't happen often."

"Don't worry, Mabel, it's happened to me before... you're smart for giving someone keys," Sage said, then handed me over the keys

"Thanks. Hey wanna come inside?" I asked her

"I would, but I have to start packing,"

"Oh ok, hey, by the way, I'll miss you when you leave," I said to Sage

"Hey, we can always text," Sage said

"Yeah.. when are you leaving like the exact date?"

"Umm, I think the 15th of December"

"Oh, so just under a month," I told Sage

"Yeah, but don't waste the days between, ok?"

"ok Sage bye"

"bye Mabel"

I then saw Sage walk out of the door, and then I closed the door

just less than a month, then everything changes

but I think I'm ready for it



writer note

AAAHH, just one more month or I guess the last month

I wonder what will happen to Mabel?


I guess you'll just have to wait until tomorrow

have a nice day!


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