11: All The Fears That We Will Face

Start from the beginning

Gerard wasn't sure if this farfetched idea was hurting or helping him, and he wouldn't know until the day Frank was ripped away from him forever, but right now, Gerard was happier than he had been in a long time when he was pretending that Frank had a chance, and Gerard wanted to keep feeling this way, even if he was just fooling himself.

Frank just seemed so real, so alive, and even though Gerard was terrified that his condition would change at any moment, it was almost hard to imagine someone as vibrant as Frank fading away.

Gerard tried to picture what life would be like when Frank was no longer there, but he just couldn't, not now with Frank slumbering peacefully in his arms, Gerard timing each of his breaths carefully just to make sure he was still there with him.

Frank began to stir in his sleep, and Gerard instantly began to stroke his hair, trying to soothe him back into slumber with the touch. Frank had been sleeping quite a bit lately, and even though it had worried Gerard at first, the doctor had reassured him that it was completely natural. His body was doing its best to keep fighting against the intrusion in his brain, and he needed more rest because of that, so Gerard wanted him to get as much as possible if it meant he would hold on for that much longer.

"Gee..." Frank murmured, opening his eyes blearily as he peered upward, trying to catch sight of his boyfriend's face. Frank's eyesight was continuing to grow worse; he had even taken to wearing glasses lately when he had to read something, and his vision was especially poor when he first woke up.

"I'm here baby, you okay?" Gerard whispered, still petting his hair absentmindedly.

"I'm really cold, can you turn the heat up?" Frank asked.

Gerard shot Frank a puzzled look, because it was actually quite warm in the house since Gerard never seemed to be able to produce enough body heat to keep himself comfortable, and Frank was wrapped securely in a blanket, so he shouldn't be chilly.

Gerard let his hand trail lower, pressing his palm against Frank's forehead, and he hissed in shock when he came in contact with burning skin.

"I think you have a fever sugar..." Gerard flinched slightly as a massive tremor wracked Frank's body, and it took Gerard a moment to realize that Frank was shivering violently.

"I don't feel too well..." Frank sighed, and Gerard's heart clenched in his chest at his words.

Gerard had no idea if Frank was just sick, or if this was some side effect of the tumor, but his mind instantly jumped to the worst conclusion possible, and he felt terror flooding throughout his veins at a rapid pace.

What if this was it, what if Frank was dying right now? Gerard wasn't ready, he couldn't handle this yet, but he wouldn't know for sure unless he took him to the hospital.

"I think I need to take you back to the doctor..." Gerard informed Frank, standing up so he could go get his keys.

"No - please...we were just there yesterday. I'm sure I'm fine," Frank whined, grabbing on to Gerard's pant leg in an attempt to entice him back to his side.

"At least let me call him?" Gerard asked, because there was no way he was going to keep Frank home without finding out if this was natural or not.

"Fine...but hurry back," Frank pouted, lying down on the couch with a sad sigh.

"I will," Gerard promised, all but sprinting toward his phone which was charging in the kitchen at the moment.

Gerard had Frank's doctor on speed dial, and it wasn't long before he was connected to the specialist who had been put in charge of Frank's care.

So Little Time (Frerard) *New Version*Where stories live. Discover now