Chapter 1: Where am I?

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     Footsteps. Running. Screaming. Chasing. A splash. That's all I could remember from before I had woken up. Where am I? I let out a sigh. All I had on me was an anemo vision, a dagger, and the sopping clothes on my back. I picked myself up from the muddy riverbank, and began wandering through the lush forest. Large yellow flowers covered the ground, and slimy algae was plentiful.

     I continued walking until the river split. To my left, there were fungi, to my right, a waterfall... and more fungi. Looks like either way I'd need to fight. I sighed and unsheathed my knife. I leaped into action, jabbing the blade at a hydro fungus. Its eyes widened and it made a squeak as it dodged.. I felt sorry for the poor thing, after all, it didn't attack me. Instead of  fighting back, the fungus and its friends scurried away. Odd...

     As the elemental lifeforms ran downstream, the one I had almost killed fell over. It seemed to be injured... It would probably have been a good idea to kill it. But instead, I approached it slowly.

     The tiny creature backed up, its fear evident. A high pitched growl came from it as it shook in terror. "I won't hurt you, little guy..." I reached my hand towards it. The fungus seemed to have realized I no longer had any intent to hurt it. "I'm gonna help you."

     I picked the fungus up, which startled it, but it calmed down quickly. I began to examine it for injuries, until i found a rather large scratch on the left side of its body. What was it from? It appeared to have been too small to have been from a Rishoboland tiger, maybe a crimson or desert fox... Well, it didn't really matter. I was gonna help this poor mushroom. What had changed in me so fast, I wondered. I was gonna kill this thing, and now I'm nursing it back to health?

     I ripped off a part of my sleeve and pushed it against the claw mark. I would need to find some way to secure it. Oh! The algae! I grabbed a handful of the stuff and stuck the cloth to the hydro fungus.

     I would also need to give this guy a name if I was gonna take it on my journey. What was my journey anyway? To find my memories? To just get to the safety of a city? That would need to be decided at some point. Anyway, back to naming the fungus...

    Maybe Bongo Head? Wait, what the hell?! Where did that  come from! Bongo Head is such a stupid, yet admittedly cute, name! Hm, Maybe a stupid name would do... What about... "Smoosh." I said it without fully thinking it through. The fungus seemed to be very happy with Smoosh, though, so i guess it was decided.

    With a name chosen, and Smoosh's injury bandaged, I continued wading through the river. I didn't need to walk for long, though, as I quickly spotted a house in the distance. Maybe I could ask for help there?

     As I got closer, I realized the small house was on a hill, with a ladder leading up to it. Wondering how I would get Smoosh up, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

     "Hi! I'm Collei, a Trainee Forest Ranger! Welcome to Avidya Forest, or, more specifically, Gandharva Ville! Oh no, watch out, a hydro fungus!" I blinked a couple times, comprehending what was happening. A green haired girl stood before me, pulling an arrow out from a quiver.

     "Wait, no!" I came to my senses and leaped in front of Smoosh, who was cowering. Collei looked at me, confused. "It's... it's my friend. Its name is Smoosh. Oh, and I'm Y/N"

     "What's going on here?" A voice called out from behind Collei. A man walked up, he had short hair, and more notably, ears and a tail.

     Collei spoke. "Oh, Master Tighnari! Someone wandered into the village! I was just welcoming them!" The man nodded in approval.

     I spoke up. "Um, hi! I'm Y/N, and this is Smoosh!" I presented Smoosh to the duo.

     "I see. Welcome to Gandharva Ville. I'm Forest Ranger Tighnari." Despite seeming kindhearted, I somehow felt very intimidated. "So, what brings you here?"

     "I... uh... I'm lost. I don't know where I am, I don't know WHO I am..."

     He sighed. "I'll escort you to Sumeru City. I'll just have to make a few preperations."

     I smiled, hoping to show my gratitude. "Thank you so much!" Smoosh made squeaks I assumed were from joy. But they weren't. Smoosh was shaking and staring at my feet. I looked down and saw a crimson fox... "Shit."

     Smoosh jumped out of my hands and ran through Gandharva Ville, the fox gave chase. I sped after them until we reached a waterfall. Smoosh struggled against the flowing water, as I called after it. "Smoosh! Smoosh, come back!"

     "Wait! Come back!" Collei shouted.

     I shook my head and gritted my teeth. If Smoosh wasn't gonna come to me, I'd go to it. It had reached the top, and I ignored Tighnari and Collei's cries for me to go back. How am I gonna get up the waterfall?!  I had an idea, but it would be difficult. I held out my hand, and the air around me began to swirl. As a ball of wind grew in my palm, I struggled to hold it any longer. Finally, I crushed it, making a fist. 

     A gust of air pushed me upwards, and suddenly, I was in the sky. I wouldn't be floating for long, though. I needed to get to the edge of the waterfall, and fast! How did I learn to do that? I began to struggle through the air, towards the waterfall. I was close... so close... but I fell.

     I managed to grasp a vine down the cliff just in time, and I looked down, which is always a bad idea. The drop would likely be fatal. My only hope was to climb. So that's what I did. Collei was screaming and covering her eyes, and Tighnari was calling out to me. The vine began to rip. Tears flowed from my eyes. Is this the end? But right as I thought I would fall, Smoosh began to pull the vine up with its tiny legs. Heh... so saving this mushroom ended up saving me. Guess karma is real.

     I yelled down to the forest rangers. "I'm alright! I'm not sure I can get down, though."

     Tighnari nodded and picked up the small fox, which had been growling at Smoosh the whole time. "The foxes don't usually act like this. Something's wrong. For Smoosh's safety, I think it'd be better for you to head to Liyue Harbor, just follow the river until you find a cave, good luck Y/N!"

     And so, I departed from Sumeru. I'd also decided. Safety was good, but I needed answers. I'd find out what happened to me, who I was. With Smoosh by my side, I began my journey through Liyue.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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