"You will come back to this house every other week on Fridays along with your brothers. If you refuse I will waist no time into taking you out of hogwarts and you will spend your life just as you always have. Alone, wounded and weak." The words stung more then I would like them to. And he finally lets me go. My brothers immediately step in between us, some kind of reassurance and protection. I scurry away from my father as fast as possible, not knowing how long I can stomach being in the same room as him knowing I could be elsewhere. 

As soon as we're out of the manor Mattheo pulls me into a tight hug. Unlike my father's this one brings me safety instead of panic. He kisses the top of my head, an action both my brothers always do to comfort me.

"Enough, we're gonna be late for the train." I snap.

Mattheo and Tom exchanged worried glances but comply and we all apparate to the train station. As we wait for the train a group of Hogwart students finds their way to us.

"Mattheo, who's the chick." A tall man with dark waves on his head asks. I scoff.
"She has a name you moron." The one on his left scolds him. I notice the mean one seems high on drugs. Maybe he'll share.

"What is your name?" The nicer one asks.
"Sofia, Sofia riddle." I stick out my hand for him to shake.
"Lorenzo Berkshire." He returns the favor. "This one is Theodore Nott." He gestures to High Guy who nods his head in acknowledgment "that one over there is Blaise Zabini" this time he gestures to a tall man, taller then both my brothers. He has darker skin and a short buzz. Lorenzo goes through a bunch of other names. "Pansy Parkinson over here, Astoria and Daphne's Greengrass over there. And finally Draco Malfoy." He says and I jerk from excitement at the last name. My ferret of a cousin shows up infront of me.
"Hello mouse." He says ruffling my perfect hair.
"Hello to you too white ferret." I say smacking his hands away.
"You weren't even in the school when that happened, how the fuck do you know about it?" He looks up qt Mattheo accusingly, Mattheo looks away, too amazed by a blank space in the ceiling above us to meet his eye.

Blaise watches the interaction with amusement.
"Can I help you?" I snap my eyes to his. Daring him to answer the question.
"Not at all, just didn't think 'No-nose-baldy' could have such a beautiful daughter" he says with a wink. My cheeks flush at his comment. The girl next to him, Astoria if my memory serves right, visibly fumes. Was that his girlfriend? Oops.
I lean towards Matt behind me. "Are Blaise and Astoria dating?" I whisper to him.
Draco must've heard because he answers my question as we both realize Mattheo didn't hear me.

"Nah, their on and off but they've never been official. Astoria is so desperate for him that she doesn't mind. But the only reason Blaise gets with her is because his family wants him to hopefully marry her one day."
"That must suck- to want someone who doesn't want you back."
"Yeah..." Draco's voice sounds far away as he stares into something in the distance. My eyes follow his gaze to... H-Harry Potter?!

Since when was Dray gay?

Gay dray.

Im so funny

No I'm not.

I snap out of my thoughts to feel eyes staring at me. A shiver rolls through my body and this time Tom is the one to notice.
"You okay?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah, it's just, I feel someone watching me." I answer truthfully.
His gaze snaps around the big room for any threats.
"Tommy I'm fine, I'm probably paranoid, I haven't left the house in a while."
"Right." He mutters unconvinced.
The train finally gets here and the big group splits into two as fast as lightning, as if trained for this.
Astoria, Blaise, Tom, Lorenzo and Draco.
Me, Mattheo, Pansy, Theodore, and Daphne.

"How come the group just split so fast?" I question as Mattheo pulls me behind him.
"Well half of us don't prefer noise while the other is on the louder side. So we split the group between the quiet people and loud people so that everyone can be happy." Pansy answers.
Smart. Tom is an ass, but he can get REALLY grumpy when he's surrounded by too much annoying noises. Annoying noises do consist of Mattheo.

"Thank you, it was my idea." Daphne answers next to me in a sweet voice. Despite her sister, she seems nice. That's when I notice Daphne isn't wearing a Slytherin uniform, she's wearing a dark blue Ravenclaw one. I look over to the first group in front of us to notice Lorenzo isn't wearing Slytherin either, he's wearing a yellow Hufflepuff sweater. Huh, didn't think Tom would put so much of his unnecessary pride away and befriend other houses. I look over to Tom to notice him staring at Daphne, before quickly averting his eyes as she stares straight ahead to the train we're mere steps away from. How much drama is in this friend group?

We get in the train and the two groups get into two separate rooms. I go in first then Pansy then Daphne, on the other side it's Theodore next to the window with Mattheo closer to the opening.

I feel the train beneath my feet move as I stare out the window.

Hello my lovelies, Imma be honest with u, I have no idea who the love interest is. Anyways I love you, and make sure to drink enough water and eat enough food.

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