Chapter One - Then 1952

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First chapter ayeee? There will be quotes like 'The Boy In The Mirror', check it out in my works. May use some 1950's slang. I'll explain what they all mean at the end.


"Depression is not selfish, Anxiety is not rude, Schizophrenia is not wrong. Mental illness isn't self-centered anymore than a broken leg or the flu is self-centered. If your mental illness makes you feel guilty, review the definition of 'illness' and treat yourself with the same respect and concern you would show a cancer patient or a person with pneumonia."

Chapter One - Liam Payne 1952.

*two days before he was admitted into the hospital*

Liam Payne, a charming young lad, always smiling, always looking dashing. As woman would say, he looked chrome-plated with the clothing he had wore. He had a smile that could make a million girls stomachs flip.

Most girls look at him and just him looking back with those beautiful eyes can any girls heart flutter.

His hair was always slicked up, he was a greaser, but he was the most riches greaser of all.

Liam walked the streets of his grody town, his eyes watched every move. There were people back seat bridging and many bent eights lined up against the road.

Liam walked the streets as he saw his mansion appear. It has a black fence around it, the mansion was grey and long steps going up. He did live on a hill so it was a long climb.

He watched as people went by, soon he saw a 17 year old girl sitting alone on the bench coughing up a storm. He recognized her as the orphan at the MapleHill Orphanage. Liam walked up to her and kneeled in front of her. Her hair was as black as night with her eyes as blue as ice, blood shot and puffy. Her skin was pale and her lips were chapped. Her cheek has a bruise and she had red tear streaks going down her face. Her clothes were ripped and he couldn't help but to feel bad for the girl but something sparked inside him to act pitiful for her but to hurt her in the end.

"Hello miss, how are you? My name is Liam, what's yours? I'm here to help you." Liam spoke with a soothing voice which could make anybody listen to him. "My name is Luna. You'll help me? Are you sure?" The girls spoke softly, her voice had a bit of rasp from crying so hard and coughing. "Yes, I'll help you. Come with me. I'll give you some new clothes and give you a lot of food. I'll give you a new...home..." Luna stared at Liam for a while. "You pinky promise?" She whispered. Luna stuck her pinky out as if she was a young child and Liam looped his pinky with hers, with his right hand behind his back and his index and middle finger twisted together and he smiled. "I promise.." He replied with an evil smile growing inside of him.

She grabbed Liams hand and they walked up the stairs to Liam's house. When they entered Luna stared at the walls noticing some redish brown streaks going down the wall. It looked like...blood. "Ok, let me give you a tour. I always start with my favorite part of the house. The attic." Luna trailed behind Liam watching as she saw his back muscles through his shirt. 'He has nice back muscles, he must work out a lot..' She thought to herself.

Shortly they approached the attic and they entered with the light off. "Liam?" Luna whispered. "Where are you?" Liam chuckled. "You thought I brought you here to care for you? To give you life? To give you happiness? Do you think I brought you here to give you food? No, I brought you here to do something else." He hissed and his voice was laced wth venom. "What are you going to do to me?" Luna said trembling. She started to cry hard.

Liam pulled a knife out if his back pocket. "Let's play." Liam said as he lunged for Luna. She quickly dodged, but it wasn't fast enough. Liam was faster. Liam grabbed her by her long midnight hair. She screamed in pain as he tugged her backwards. She starts sobbing violently as he places his mouth by her ear. He nibbles on her ear tauntingly as she tries to hit and scratch him. "Please!" She sobs as he places the knife in his hand against her jaw. "Sh, shhhh..." He teases as he strokes the knife down her jaw and presses it against her throat. "You'll be okay..." He whispers in her ear as he slides the sharp blade against her pale, soft skin.

Blood ran down his hand and onto the floor. Her body falls limp in his arms and he lets the blood pool at his feet.The blood went through the small cracks of the floor, down the ceiling below and dripped down the wall, her blood was another mark as his new victim. Liam then pulls her to the underground cellar. He kicks away the rug on top of it, revealing the cellar fully. He sets her body down gently as he opens it. Grabbing her body, he places it on top of the many other victims who unluckily passed his way.

Liam stands up and dustes his hand. He shuts everything close and walks away like nothing ever happened. Liam stares at the walls and smiles. "Victim number 14." Liam muttered to himself. He walked up into his bedroom and fell asleep, waiting for the next day to come...


Liam walked into the therapy waiting room and sat down. "Liam Payne?" A lady named Barbara called. He stood up again and walked in. "Have a seat, Liam." Dr. Rose said. Liam sat down and they had their usual discussion. But Liam was going to mention one more thing. "It there anything else Mr. Payne?" "I like to kill people." He said bluntly. Dr. Rose was surprised. "What do you mean Liam?" "I like to kill people. I like the look of there blood running down my hand. I like the pleasure of killing people. I like the feel of slicing their neck or shooting them in the head." Dr. Rose was still shocked at his response, "Ok Liam. We'll talk more about this tomorrow. Session dismissed." Dr. Rose said and all she thought was how insane he is.

Liam nodded and walked out. It was one of his longest sessions ever. It was already 6pm. He walked home to get a breath of fresh air. By the time he entered his house, it was 8pm. Liam walked slow on purpose. He slumped down on the couch and fell asleep.

*next morning 8am*

The door was bargered open and Liam was woken up by people in white grabbing him. He knew why but fought against it. "Let me go Goddamn it!" He struggled against the strength of the 4 men holding him. Dr. Rose came over and stuck a needle into his neck. "Sorry. But this is for your own good." She said, Liam's head slumped down as he was carried out to the car. He looked around his surrounding in the car before black dots covered his vision and he blacked out.

*hours later*

Liam woke up in a plain white room with white clothes on. He was strapped down to the bed and he sighed. Liam thought of Dr. Rose and smirked.

"You're Next." The insane man said and layed his head on the pillow still smirking.


Chapter One is published!

Creds to the lovely and talented mrsmalik892 for helping me with the killing scene. How do you feel after reading this? Creeped out? Got the chills?

1950's slang;

Chrome-Plated: well dressed, classy.

Greaser: a person who uses grease to slick there hair up, a gang.

Grody: dirty, messy.

Back-Seat Bridging: making out in the back seat.

Bent Eights; Hot Rods

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