*knock knock*

"Hm" Sunghoon answered. I walked in hesitantly and looked around his room, it's cleaned neatly and his dog Gaeul was sleeping on the bed beside him."So..I just got off the phone with Jungwon. Uh he left because of a family emergency...someone had been hospitalised." I looked down, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal for me, but it might be completely different for Sunghoon. I wasn't sure how he'd take the news. After all it's really serious, but it's not that...I don't know..worrisome for me, because Jake and I have never been close to each other like that."Oh, I see. Is he alright?" It seemed that he didn't put much mind to it."Well, Jungwon is stressed and..he isn't doing well..after all, It's his brother..You know. He got into a serious accident apparently and is now in the hospital." I was slightly glancing at sunghoon to see his reaction.

He looked at me with widened eyes in which there was full panic evident."Bro....brother?! What do you mean?! You....you're not talking about Jake are you?!" You could hear his desperation. I couldn't look him in the eyes, so I looked away and gave my silence as his answer.

"No...no..you..you're lying to me aren't you?! I'm calling Jungwon." And so he started dialling his number.

Sunghoons POV:

I quickly started dialling Jungwons phone number and stormed out of my room passing Jay. I don't believe it, he's just trying to mess with me. It's not true. Please!

"Sunghoon what the hell do you want." Jungwons voice trembled very slightly. He must've been crying a lot. And he also sounds really mad.
"Jungwon..please tell me it's not true that he's in the hospital. I beg you.." I pleaded. I was praying and wishing for it to not be true.
"So Jay must've told you."
"No...no no no it's not true. Are you trying to mess with me?! Please Jungwo—" I was suddenly cut off.
"ENOUGH!!" He yelled very loudly through the phone.
"Sunghoon what do you want me to tell you? Jake IS in the hospital! And he's in a coma at that. Also did you know that IF by chance he does wakes up, he may not remember anyone OR anything at all?! No one is trying to mess with you! Fine, it may be hard for you to process, but don't push that worry onto me! I've had it! Can you please for the love of god stop being so damn selfish!?" It's my first time hearing him so..pissed. So upset and so devastated. But he's right. I need to snap back, I can't always be so petty. I'm so stupid
"I'm sorry. I didn't think about what you must be going through right now, I should have considered your feelings. It must be hard for you. Where are you right now? Jay and I will head over."
"Don't you dare. I do NOT want to see you or Jay! Especially Jay."
"Jungwon, I understand you blame us, I would too if I were you. But we truly are very sorry. You can blame us, we won't be mad. But just as much as I care for Jake, Jay does for you. He's very worried about you, knowing that someone very precious to you is hospitalised. We- no. I made a mistake, please let me own up to him somehow. Even if it takes me my whole life, that's what I owe Jake. Thats what I owe you. I truly love Jake. And I'm being very honest about it. I shouldn't have done that 4 years ago. Leaving him without a word, without an explanation. I shouldn't have made you turn your back against your brother because of my stupid mistake. So let me make it up to you. To him. I know it must sound so pathetic to you, and the way I suddenly switched up? I know. I also know that you probably think it's really messed up of me to say that I love Jake after what I've done to him, but we can't change the fact I misunderstood a big situation. I won't say we should leave the past as the past, because I know it will always catch up to the future and weigh down negatively. The fact I made such a mistake in the past will always affect my future. The future with Jake, but that's also the reason I can't let him go. I hurt him in such a bad way, yet he's never directed his anger to me, in the contrary, he'd been waiting for me with the same amount of love I'd left him with. Making it up to Jake is not to make me feel better but to him, who I've hurt when all I should have done was being there for him. From now on everything I do, will always be for Jake. And if in the future there will ever be the same situation as the design stealing one, I won't just leave him. I'll stay by him. I won't be a coward this time. I'll face whatever is ahead of me.." I didn't hope to convince him through this, well obviously I did but, I won't mind it even if he won't accept my request. I wanted to tell him what is in my heart and my earnest thoughts.
"We're in Australia, Brisbane at xxxxxxx hospital." That's all he said before he hung up.

I understand why Jungwon would be angry. And I also get why he wouldn't want to see Jay or me. But I don't have a choice.

"Pack your bags. We're going to Australia." I said walking past Jay who was sitting on the couch."What? What will we be doing there??" He asked me confused."Wonnie needs someone by his side right now. And I know the person he wants to lean on is you. Whatever happened between you, that's on you to fix. But I need to go there for Jake. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying there though so I'll start working for the branch in Australia." Luckily we aren't that small of a company.

I did everything in the blink of an eye. Packing my luggage, getting my valid IDs ready, booking plane tickets and a hotel rooms. I need to make sure to ask my mom to find an apartment for me there soon.

"Hello mom, an emergency happened so I'm going abroad for a bit. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying there but it should be for quite a long time, could you look for an apartment there? In Australia I mean."
"What?! What do you mean you'll be staying abroad for a long time?? You can't just decide that without consulting your parents first Sunghoon!" My mom was surprised no doubt.
"Mom it's an emergency. Once I'm ready, I'll tell you everything. But for now, please just trust my decisions alright? please." Suddenly it seemed I've matured a bit more after Jungwon vented a bit.
"You can't expect me to just-" I know it's rude to just hang up the phone on my mother but, I'm still trying to process. I'll just tell her later that my phone died.

So I turned off my phone and Jay and I started heading to the airport."Are you really sure you want to go see him Sunghoon-a? He may not even remember you.."Jay hesitated in going. I understand that he was worried for me. But I've made up my mind."If he's forgotten me, I'll make him remember again. If I can't, I'll make new memories with him. If he needs time, I'll wait and if he needs someone to lean on, he can onto me with all his weight. You know I love Jake, even after I thought he'd betrayed me. And now it turned out that it has been me who betrayed him. I left a big scar on him, I broke our promise and his heart. So I'll also be the one to heal every single wound. Even those who weren't caused by me." The thought of Jake hurting because of me pained my heart, I held back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Wow, I didn't know you were a poet. Do whatever you want to." He said and put on his headphones. He's just worried. I wiped away the tears that were in my eyes and sat down in the seat next to Jay.

Please let him be alright. I owe him far too much, and if there is a next life...it'll be far too late to repay all the things he's done for me. So please, dear god please give Jake a second chance. No, please give me a second chance. Jake is to good of a person for this world, but I can't help but hold him down here.

~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~
Andddd here is chapter 9!!!!! I'll be honest with you stars, this chapter has been sitting in my drafts for quite some time...I kind of..,ay have forgotten to upload it..

But it's here now! Please let me hear your thoughts about this chapter!
And also this chap is longer than the last one ;)

Hope you guys enjoyed!

Word count: 2228

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