5. Easy peasy

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I had been working on my plan for a week. I would continue to be loving towards Pan so he wouldn't suspect anything, so one day I would visit him at work and come up with a distraction so I could free the rest of my family and defeat Pan! Today was that day and I walked towards the hospital with a brown paper bag in my hand.
"Hello, I'm looking for Peter."
The receptionist was about to say something when she was interrupted. "y/n what are you doing here?"
He looked confused so I held out the bag in my hand.
"You forgot your lunch!"
"Yeah? Yeah! I was just going to buy something in the cafeteria, do you want to join me??"
I took the arm he gave me and felt hate fill me. On the way to the cafeteria I noted two things, where the nearest toilet was and the nearest fire alarm. But then for some reason I looked into a room and stopped. "What is it princess?"
"Who's in there?"
"Ohh no particular---."
But I didn't listen, instead I let go of Pan and went into the room and in the bed was Henry. He looked so peaceful, like he was sleeping, but I knew better.
"It's just a coma patient baby, shall we move on?"
"Yes, yes it's just.."
"Just what?"
Shit! Pan seamed slightly alert to my anser, just as if he was beginning to understand.
"He's just so young, younger than us, it must be terrible."
"Yes, it probably is, but there's nothing you can do, shall we go?" "Yes."
Pan took my arm and led me outside, away to the cafeteria and away from Henry.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Pan said between bites. He ate chicken with fried rice and vegetables, but now both the food and him disgusted me.
"Hmm? Oh nothing special, wait for you, maybe do a little shopping." "Haha, well then you'll probably have to wait a while, I forgot to say I'm working longer today."
"Okay, when are you home then, or sorry save the answer I just have to go to the bathroom."
Pan smiled as I got up and started walking. I had counted the steps and found that there were exactly 264, but only 237 to the fire alarm. When I arrived I looked around to make sure no one was there, and thene pulld it down.

Loudspeakers blared and chaos broke out, people were running around like chickens with no heads and I started running.
I followed the signs pointing to the psych ward and ran down three more flights of stairs before reaching a basement that looked like a prison. "Mom!!"
It came from two cells. My eyes began to fill with tears of joy, but I quickly wiped them away, not here, not now, there was no time. I took the keys hanging on the wall and started unlocking the big doors, I was fast and soon I was surrounded by my family again.
"There's no time for hugs! You have to get out of here now, I pulled the fire alarm, but I don't know how much longer it will last, you can hide in the library, it's been shut down, but now,  we have to go now!"
"What about you?"
Snow said.
"Go now! We don't have time and I'll be back later, I promise!"
We all ran up the stairs before I was once again separated from my family.

I had seen in my mother's eyes that she did not want to let me go, she had not really got me back and so we parted. But I had to, I just had to play this shit a little longer so Pan wouldn't know what hit him. Finally I came out of the hospital and it was full of people. Time to play theater.
"Peter! Peter! Has anyone seen Peter!" Those around me shook their heads and I ran on. I played the scared and worried girlfriend and no one would notice anything. After a while I heard someone yell my name and I responded by yelling his.
"y/n! y/n!!"
"There you are!! I was so worried!!"
I threw myself into his atmar and buried my face against his body. Just his scent made me sick.
"So so princess."
"I got so worried, I tried to find you in there, but there was so much and then out here, what's going on!!?" Before he could answer, a message was called out.
"False alarm! Return to your positions immediately!!"
But I didn't let him go, instead I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
"Please don't go back, come home with me."
He was quiet for a moment before he leaned his forehead against my head and whispered.
"Okay princess."

If this had been anywhere else but Storybrooke, Pan would never have been able to join me because he felt like it, but now we were in Storybrooke and he still thought he was in charge. Once back in the apartment, I let him hold me and fondle me on the sofa. I was locked in being shaken but grateful. It was going well until Pan kissed my forehead and then continued down to my mouth. He was really sick, I had just had what would be a traumatic experience and all he could think about was sex.
"Honey I don't know, I'm scared." "Shhh princess, I understand, but there's no danger I'm in control."


She struggled to protest and I lifted her off the couch and carried her over to the bed. Today I had lost control, she had disappeared, but now, now she was mine and I owned her.


Slowly I pulled off her jeans and then mine. Then outside her panties I began to gently rub her pussy. A moan escaped her and I got excited. I took off her shirt and then mine. She was so beautiful lying there in just panties and bra. I pulled down her panties and bent down. Very carefully I moved my tongue against her pussy and started working. It didn't take long before she came and I now took off my underwear revealing my big cock. Jav straightened her a little with the tip before I quickly and hard pressed my length into her. Another moan escaped her and it turned me on even more. I worked fast and hard. I felt her shifting beneath me and I knew she was close, but this time she wasn't going to get away so easily. I struggled to push it in so gently and left her on the edge while I worked on myself. She whimpered under me and finally she got through. "Pan please I'm so close!" I teased her a little more before I myself felt that I was close. "If you're going to come, you have to get everything together." "Yeah! Or huh, you don't have a condom?" I didn't blink, she had said yes, I would be allowed to come inside her. I pushed myself deeper into her a couple more times and she came, and her moans of pleasure made me do the same and I came in her pussy.

⚠️Smut over⚠️

Afterwards she showered, but before I fell asleep I could only think of one thing, she had called me Pan, she hadn't done that since neverland, it had always been Peter, something was wrong.


A lot of bad things could be said about Pan, but he could make me enjoy myself. But he was a monster, he's a monster and sex doesn't make up for all he's done.
There was only one thing that had worried me, during the act I had called him Pan in my excitement, a slip that could have cost me dearly. Luckily, I think he didn't hear what I said at the moment. Because now my plan had almost worked, my family was free and Pan trusted me, now all I had to do was rip his heart out of his chest to bring Henry back and break the curse. Easy peasy, right?


Hello my dears❤️ I have thought a little, hope you write in the comments what you think and if you are comfortable with the content. Share your brain with ideas too! But if you are interested in this story, I would probably also be open to writing little dirty shorts. Kiss kiss❤️

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