Showing hunter the farm ;)

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We jumped into an old jeep I use to drive around the farm.
"So where are you from?" I asked trying not to sound creepy.
"I'm about forty-five miles from here" said hunter
"What brings you here?" I asked.
"I'm staying with my aunt and uncle for the summer." Said hunter
We rode around the farm and I showed him all the fields , we talked about pretty much everything and before you know it we were by the tank at the edge of the property.
I sat down on the grass next to the tank and hunter joined.

"So how was you're sophomore year?" Asked hunter while skipping a rock.
"Well let's see , my heart got broken by a stupid boy , my ex-bestfriend was the reason , I caught them kissing under the bleachers , umm other than that my sophomore year was perfect!" I said sarcastically.
"Well that sounds wonderful" said hunter sarcastically.
"Yeah but we should go it's getting dark and we have a LONG day ahead of us tomorrow."
"You're right we should go."
Eight a.m. Rolled around and I got out of bed and got ready. Another day of daisy duke cut offs and boots. Today I put on a blue shirt though. Lol. I braided my hair and finished up getting ready. I grabbed a cup of coffee because I don't eat breakfast. I'd rather have coffee. Today all I have to do is tend to the animals. I walked to the barn with my cup of coffee. I opened the barn door and there was my dad and hunter talking before they got on the tractors.
"Good morning sweetie!" said Ashley's dad.
"Good morning." I said sleepily.
"Someone's tired" said hunter
"She's always like that in the morning until she has her coffee" said Ashley's day
"Like what?!?" I said angrily.
"Well you are grumpy in the mornings , and that's why I'm glad for coffee" said Ashley's dad seriously.
"Whatever I've got work to do" I said still angry.
I headed to the horse stalls when I heard hunter and my dad , mike , laugh at me. Am I really that funny? I finished my coffee and started cleaning the four horse pens we have. My dad and hunter are on the tractors. I finished cleaning the horse pens and the guys had come to eat lunch. They were all sweaty. I had already ate because I got hungry after the cleaning the first pen. Lol. My dad and hunter ate lunch while I put the horses back in the stalls and brushed them off a little bit. My dad gave hunter a break. Why doesn't my dad ever give me breaks? My dad walked off to go do something....who knows what! Hunter walked over to me.
"You look real busy" said hunter sarcastically.
"Whatever" I said brushing the fourth horse.
"I have an idea" said hunter
"What would that be?" I said questionably.
"Let's go to the tank" he said cutely
" I think that sounds good, let's go!" I said excitedly
We jumped into the jeep and in a couple of minutes we were there.
"It's so pretty here" I said as I took a deep breath and plopped down on the grass.
Hunter went to straight to the edge of the water.
"Oh my gosh Ashley!!!" Yelled hunter.
"What?!??" As I ran to him.
In a quick motion he pushed me into the water.
"Really hunter?" I said but I actually wasn't mad.
"Hahahahah" hunter said laughing.
I jumped out of the water and went straight to hunter and forced him into the water and before I knew it we were both laughing. I put my arms around his neck and said, " that's one way to cool off!" We laughed but we were still close. With my arms around his neck he kissed me.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" said hunter looking me straight in the eye.
"Don't be sorry"
And after a few more seconds of gazing into each other's eyes we were in a full out make out session. Hunter suddenly pulled away...
"I hate to interrupt this, but we need to get back before your dad notices your gone."
"You're right we should go" I said sadly
We jumped in the jeep and headed towards the barn.
"Don't you need to change? You're soaked." I asked
"Yes but your dad gave me the rest of the day off." He said
"Wait I thought you were on a break, why are you off?" I asked
"The tractor broke he's got to go get a part or somethin'" he said
"Oh okay. What are you doing for the rest of the day?"
"Nothing" he said disappointed
"I've got some more work to do, but when I'm done we should go fishin'." I said hoping he'd say yes.
"I'd love to. I'm gonna go grab some different clothes from my house and then I'll come help you with the rest of your chores." Said hunter.
He left around 1:30 and at 2:15 he was back. I had just finished feeding the horses , chickens , and the pigs. I had to change my clothes but this time I put a swim suit on under my normal clothes.
"Ready?" Asked hunter.
"Yeah I just gotta grab the fishing poles" I said
" I went by the bait shop and got some worms" said hunter.
"Great" I said while carrying two fishing poles and threw them in the back of the jeep.
"Where's your dad?" Asked hunter.
"He's workin' on the tractor." I said
We jumped into the jeep and headed to the tank. We call it a tank but it's really big and has one big oak tree that has a rope to swing off of. The water is so pretty too it's not brown it's kinda blue I love it goin' down there.

We arrived and threw our lines in the water , sat down , and I put my head on his shoulder.

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