Let's end this!

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Author's note ;
GOMENNASAI >.< for the a very late update!
My wi-fi is error ;w;
And, I don't use Italic or Bold cause I'm always update the story from my iphone... Sorry!
Enjoy, okay? Haha :D
[ Seijuro's P.O.V ]

"Interesting, Sora and Kororo have power now"
"We'll kill you"
"Yes, try if you can"
So, I attacke him with Sora's sword. I'm comfortable when using this sword, like I'm devoted my soul into this sword,
"With this sword, I'll slash you into pieces" said me as tried to stab him, but I was failed because he could avoid all of my attacks. Akari stood up in front of me,
"Akari? It'll be dangerous"
She close her eyes and muttered something. I stood up there confusedly,
"Trying to use God's power, huh? You won't win. I'm stronger" said hin as wanted to stabbed her, but I blocked his sword that wantes to stab Akari,
"Don't dare to lat any hand hand on her"
"Heh, you love her?"
"Yes, I do"
I nodded slightly, he chuckled,
"If you two love each others, the hex will be stronger" he clinged his tongue,
I looked away, what's Akari told is right. Suddenly, she opened her eyes,
"Inugami, come out and attack him!"
And, some big dogs appeared and attacked him. They bit him and some of his body was bleeding, he became powerless.
He fell down. Akari quickly threw the paper to him, and slowly, it created a strong wall,
"Seijuro! Prepare your sword"
"Yes, Akari! Did you order me?"
"Yes... I must wake Kororo, please protect me"
"Yes, Akari"
She smiled a bit, "Now, pull me tovth ground, Seijuro!"
"Just do it"
I sighed and pulled her to the ground,
"Detach the bond! Kororo's soul who resting here, akso the memoroes of Akari Nozomi's past life, past the common sense! Now in thia body, rouse Kororo's soul" shouted her as opened the fan. She fell a sleep,
"It'll take a long time, right? I'll take her power and your soul, okay?"
I prepared myself with sword.

He broke the strong wall and burn the paper,
"You think you muffle my power like this? I just act like I'm weak, you know? I slowly collected my power until raise to the maximum level" said him as creating a big hole, dark one,
"You won't stop me"
He threw it to me, it could absord my power,
"Now, I'll do a deal with you"
"You love her, right?"
"I'll erase the hex and save her, but if you give me Sora's sword and her power"
"Do you think I'll believe you?"
"I'll win, brat... And, I'll take her power"
I glanced at her, she hasn't woken up yet.
'Isn't there something that I can do?' Thought me as hit my own head.
"Do you know the feel when I take your soul?"
"I'll die?"
"Yes, Good brat"
He smirked, "It's also goes same as her power"
"What? So, if you take he power, she'll die?"
"Yes, you're smart"
"Deal? It'll be lucky for both of us"
I thought for a while, he's right, it's good for us. Suddenly, I remembered what she said to me,
"Trust me, Seijuro" said her as grinned to me.
"I do reject that"
"You'll regret it, Seijuro"
I quickly protected Akari. Suddenly,
"Akira-sama, stop it"
She slowly opened her eyes, he was astonished,
"Sora-sama, is it you?"
"I'm Seijuro Akashi, Sora's reincarnation"
"You're over polite, Sora-sama... But, that's your perfect side" said her as stood up as holding the fan.
"Let's do this, Sora-sama"
I stood up and stood beside her, carrying my sword.
"You'll regret this" said him as threw some rocks, I stopped the rocks as cut them,
"Kororo, your turn"
"Yes, Sora-sama"
She started to sang, and danced.

I listened carefully to her voice,
"Very beautiful, it made me calm" mumbled me.
"It's Kagura, only Kororo who could do that"
"Shogo-san, really?"
"Yes! Kagura is decidated for God, it'll make God happy and borrow us their power, also decry ghost or wicked people"
"Akari couldn't do that?"
"She could, only she increases her power"
"I see..."
That was my last conversation with Shogo-sama. She finally did that,
"I love you" muttered me. While he was careless, I stabbed his heart with the sword,
"You're the one who'll regret it"
He fell down. Akari came approached to him,
"Why you changed? I thought that you're alright, I never expected that you're the one who killed us"
"It's all because of him, I'm the best one here! He's lose from me, but he's more popular from me! I must kill him if I want to be the best!"
"He also stole you from me, I'm the one who love you first! Since we were children, but why he was the one who got you? It's unfair!"
"You're jealous?"
"Yes! But if I remembered about you, I'd stuck in sadness but I'm healed while I remembered about your kagura"
We stayed in silence for a while. Some tears streamed down on her face,
"I'm very sorry, Akira-sama! It's my fault, I didn't reply your feeling rightly!"
"You're very important for me, you're the one who's stays by my side... You're more importabt from my family, I didn't say it honestly to you... Cause I'm not worthy enough"
"No, it's all my mistake, Kororo... I lost my control, I was filled with anger"
"Sorry, Akira-sama"
She hugged him while both of them crying.

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