Chapter 11

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"So, here is the finished product," the dressmaker said and turned the mannequin around to show off the white dress, intricately embroidered with red flowers that were so miniscule you could barely see them. Artesia didn't know how to tell her they were so small they looked like literal bloodstains.

It was on brand, at least. It was very much, in fact, on brand.

She would definitely look like a white lotus villainess in this dress. Gods. She really couldn't escape from the death flags, couldn't she? What was more, Georgina DeVille was about to step through the front door and befriend her on the sly. Could her life get any worse?

"It's beautiful," Artesia forced out, because she didn't know what else to say. "I love it."

"This is a one of a kind gown; you'll definitely be the only one that stands out at the ball," the dressmaker said, and it really was a beautiful gown, but...

"Well, I'm very grateful. Can we get this packaged up?" Artesia asked, and the dressmaker gasped.

"Well, you should at least try it on. I need to make sure it fits," the dressmaker said, but Artesia wanted to get out of here before Georgina got here.

"Of course," she replied smoothly. "Let's try it on."

"I will assist you, my lady," said Lisa, and the mannequin was rolled into the changing room. Artesia was loath to pull off her robes, but what other choice did she have? She didn't want to get into the dress. It practically looked like a wedding gown. She really didn't want to get into the dress. It would make her look delicate, like a little flower, a flower presented for slaughter, and she did not want to wear it.

"You're not happy with it," Lisa murmured, and Artesia took a deep breath in.

"I prefer the robes," she replied, and Lisa helped her climb out of the robes. Artesia stood there in her undergarments, feeling weird and uncomfortable with another person in the room. She still hadn't gotten over that yet.

"Begging your pardon, Your Holiness, but you need to grow accustomed to fine things," Lisa said, and Artesia hummed and looked around the pink room. It was very brightly painted, but tastefully decorated.

"I don't think I do," Artesia said as she stepped gingerly into the dress, terrified she would rip it if she stepped wrong. Unbidden, her thoughts drifted back to Mally, so self assured in their own skin and acting like there wasn't a thing wrong with their existence. She longed to have that kind of confidence in her life. She wasn't transgender, but she just... wished she fit this meat suit a little bit better.

The dress was pulled up around her shoulders, and she slid her arms into the delicate lace sleeves. Lisa stepped behind her, and Artesia swept her hair over her shoulder so she could start the laborious process of buttoning up the back.

"Have you heard?" someone asked from the other side of the door, and Artesia stared in the mirror as the buttons were slipped into the loops. "My mother just wrote to me. Georgina DeVille was found dead."



"No!" someone gasped.

"Yes! They said someone slashed her throat and burned her body!"

"Ugh! That's horrific! How can you say that so casually?!"

"I'm not, really I'm not, but my word. Imagine being the DeVille brothers right now. Sister, murdered right before her debut."

"Do you think it was a warning to her father?"

"Shhhh," the first person hushed the second, and Artesia felt faint. What? What just--- What?

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