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Slight primal play

"He's on his way," Charlie said, a hand on my shoulder.

She's always so caring and thoughtful. It got her in trouble a lot, considering we were in hell. She's viewed as a joke by many, despite her being Lucifer's daughter.

Holding back a grimace from the contact, I nodded. She knew my past with men and alerted me anytime one was visiting.

Including her own father.

Her father, being the King of Hell and all, was intimidating in words. If you saw him, however, you'd never associate the title with the man.

I hadn't met him yet, but Charlie had pictures of her and her parents. Her mother is lethally beautiful, her piercing gaze making my mouth dry every time I see it.

Her dad's image seemed to always make my stomach twist though. I used to associate it with nerves at the prospect of meeting him and making a good impression for Charlie. I caught my mind wandering sometimes though, I quickly realized after that.

"Thanks, Char..." I mumbled, giving her a small smile. She gave me a charming smile before returning to her girlfriend's side.

I admit I was jealous once. Not because I liked her, she's like a sister. Once the two got together, Vaggie had all of her attention.

I became distant, closed off from everyone. Not even Alastor could soothe me during that time, I was an open, festering wound.

I know I have issues, we all do down here. I have severe abandonment issues, which was partly the reason I was down here.

When I died and came down here, Charlie took me in and helped me adjust to my new life in hell. Her bright attitude and optimism drew me in, filling up that dark void that always pressed against my chest.

"Hey, kid!" A familiar husky voice called, making me turn my gaze towards the bar. I quirked a brow at the winged cat, and he motioned me to come over.

I stood from my seat and headed over, claiming a stool in front of the bartender. Silently accepting the glass of rum, making me grin at the man.

"You tryna get me out of my clothes? I told you what rum eventually does to me," I joked, making him laugh with a red tinge to his face.

"Not in the slightest, I merely need my words to do that." He flirts, making me turn bright red.

I'll admit that I've slept with him, but that's all it was for me. He knows that and he claims to feel the same, despite his actions at times.

"Yeah, yeah," I dismiss, waving a hand and drinking from the glass. He eyes me before speaking,

"What's on your mind?"

"Charlie's dad is on the way," I reply, worrying my lip between my teeth. Husk's eyes following the movement before responding,

"Yeah, so?"

I take a deep breath and meet his eyes, shaking my head.

In Hell We Trust (Hazbin Hotel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat