Chapter 3 -Time what seem that a stranger - (Part 2-An unexpected meeting.)

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Saru led the guys into a room where there was a large table. The table was littered with food. Giris and Meya sat down in a place near a guy with short hair and glasses on his face.

— Are we really allowed to eat? —Fei asked Evan.

—Yes. —Evan replied, sitting down at the table.

The kid with the green hair immediately started eating. He tried the different dishes that were on the table. Tenma cautiously also began to eat.

After rigor mortis, dinner, everyone went to their places. Giris and Meya went to see the night city. Fei was looking around the mansion they were in, and Matsukaze didn't know what to do with himself. He was looking out the window at what was in his room with Rune. Tenma couldn't believe that the nightmare was over after eight years. He didn't know what to do next or what to do. Even if he returns home, it's not a fact that someone is waiting for him at home. — Is it true that I have a place in freedom? Tenma wondered, to himself. But thinking about it brought tears to his eyes again. Having seen them, the boy decided to walk around the building. After leaving the room, he walked down a long corridor, there were many rooms. The boy was walking, inspecting the mansion in which he was staying.

— Tenma, have you decided to get used to it? —Giris, who was holding the beautiful lady's hand, asked him.

— Well, yes... at least this way, I can distract myself from bad thoughts. —The boy said, scratching his head.

— That's how... —Giris, like Evan, did not know how to talk to Tenma properly, so as not to hurt his feelings. Among them, only Fei could safely communicate with Matsukaza. Because they were too close to him.

— Ah! Remembered. —Before we left, Evan asked Saru to tell you to come to him. I'm sorry for saying that it's just now. —The girl replied, looking at her lover.

Matsukaze replied and went to Saru's office. Except Tenma didn't even know where his office was.


Saru became worried that Tenma had not been coming to him for several hours. He left the office by himself and went to Matsukaza's room. However, on the way, he came across a boy.

Tenma said softly and abruptly apologized! — I beg your pardon! The boy bowed his head in front of Evan.

— Are you okay? —A thinly familiar voice was heard.

Tenma lifted his bent head and saw in front of him the one who saved him.

— Are you okay? — I asked Saru, the boy.

— Oh, yes... I'm sorry I didn't look where I was going.

— It's all right. Evan smiled. — Come with me, I want to show you something. —Saru said, looking at Tenma with his purple eyes.

— Oh, good. —Tenma dusted himself off and followed the boy who looked like him.


The boys entered Saru Evan's office. Tenma was looking around. He noticed a family photo in the boy's office. Matsukaze looked at the photo on the table. Tenma walked up to her and on her, he saw himself, another older boy and his parents. He couldn't understand why he was taking a family photo here.

—Um... may I ask you something? —Tenma turned to the boy with white hair standing next to him.

— Yes, of course. —Evan spoke in a calm tone.

— Uh-that's... And where did you get my family photo from?

— It's a long story. Not "you", but "thou*". When I turned three and you were a year old. My powers awakened in me, and I found myself in this time. Ironic as it may sound, but I feel great here. —Saru replied.

— Eh? How is it? We have different surnames, and you live here! —Tenma couldn't believe what he had heard, but Saru continued his story.

POV Saru Evan

At the age of five, I picked up a soccer ball for the first time, then I heard a voice that brought me to this time. A time where there are many Second Stage Children. A little later, I found out that the first-time travel tests were conducted at this time. I was eight years old then. Then, I literally had to get smarter, in many ways. After all, in order to survive here and not end up in the clutches of El Dorado, I needed to know and know a lot. Now, I am already 15 years old. I don't think our parents remember me.

— No matter how strange it sounds. But I didn't feel like I was in the time I was born in. I always felt that I was special and different from other children of my time. I sighed. —But you're a different Tenma. I'm surprised your genes haven't awakened yet, SSC, after such trials.

Tenma stood and listened to me. I saw his surprised look, and his eyes, from which tears were about to flow. I went up to him and hugged my brother.

— As for the last name, I took it from my mother. Before marrying our father. She was named Evan. When she married our father, she changed it. By the way, Tenma, I talked to Dr. Aruno. He can bring you back to your parents tomorrow. Your parents already know about it. — I replied, looking at my the middle brother.

The End of POV Saru Evan's

— Eh? But do you communicate with them? —Tenma asked in surprise.

— Yes, through an intermediary. Personally, I haven't seen him for a long time. —Saru replied, looking at Tenma.

— But why! Since you have such an opportunity? —Tenma asked Saru sharply, not thinking about his feelings.

— I'm different... initially, I didn't plan to go back to where I don't belong! Understand Tenma, I... —The brown—haired boy interrupted his brother again.

— And if I do, I only want to come back with you! —Tenma said in a frisky tone.

—Huh, it won't change anything.... —But be it your way. Saru sighed, placing his right hand on Tenma's shoulder. — Listen to me carefully, Tenma, you must know one very important thing! You have another little brother!

— M-little brother! — Matsukaze was severely shaken...Tell Saru, are they really waiting for me? —He asked his brother.

—Yes! All this time, they've been looking for you tirelessly. —Saru replied, ruffling the boy's hair with a gentle smile on his face.



Chapters are gaining momentum. I wonder how Tenma's younger brother will react to the return of his two missing brothers at once?


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