3: Questions Answered (Not Really)

Start from the beginning

"Buwah?! Ow!" He cried, starting to writhe around in the thing wrapped around his body. However, it wasn't falling off, so he started rolling around on the ground, and even then, it still wouldn't come off.

"What's with this rope?!" Grim demanded, still rolling around on the ground trying to get out of the unyielding binding he was trapped within.

"This is no mere rope." A formal voice rings out in the vast room, as footsteps follow suit, the heels of the shoes clacking against the wooden ground as the owner of the voice came into view.

"It is a lash of love!" The man stated, coming into visible view, his arms spread out slightly as if he was showing something off despite nothing being in his arms.

You cocked your head to the side in confusion at him, although there was something about him you recognized even though you'd never seen him before. It was probably the tall hat with a tiny mirror on it upon his head, or the weird feathery cape he had on. The suit seemed normal considering the horned man you'd seen earlier on in the garden. What stood out most though, was the black bird-like mask that covered the top half of his face.

The man was glaring at the creature, one gloved hand holding a tight grip to a small little handle connected to the end of the long black rope that was coiled around Grim.

The masked man looked around for a moment, before his eyes landed on you. His yellow eyes suddenly softened as his hands went to his hips. He turned to face you, keeping a hold of the handle for his 'lash of love.'

"Ah, I've found you at last." He said, completely ignoring the annoyed noises coming from Grim as he kept squirming around on the ground trying to break out of the lash's hold.

You tilted your head to the side a little and the man mirrored you, tilting his head to the side a bit too. "Are you one of the new students?" He questioned you, before doing a quick up-and-down glance over your body.

His eyes narrowed as he made eye-contact with you again, crossing his arms over his chest. "You shouldn't do things like that." He states, earning another head tilt from you which causes him to let out a sigh.

"Leaving the gate on your own!" He clarifies, hoping that'd clear it up for you, yet when it didn't, he pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand and sighed again.

He stopped pinching the bridge of his nose and instead just waved his hand in dismissal before crossing his arms again. "Not only that, you have yet to tame you familiar which has broken a number of school rules."

You frowned, furrowing your eyebrows at the man's misinterpretation about the creature. Yet, as you open your mouth to respond to the man, Grim beats you to it.

"Let me go! I'm not their freakin' familiar!" He yells, throwing his arms up near his head as best he could with the 'lash of love' restraining them.

However, the man just sighs, and scratches Grim lightly behind one of his flaming ears. "Sure, sure. The rebellious ones always say things like that."

He doesn't get to pet Grim for long, as the raccoon-like creature frowns and quickly tilts his head back to try and blow a plume of fire at the man's hand. The man pulls his hand back just in time to avoid it getting scorched. He clicks his tongue as his eyes narrow at him. The hand he has holding the handle for his 'lash of love,' tilts the handle slightly, making the lash's hold on the Grim a slight bit tighter, causing him to growl.

"Just quiet down for a moment," The man calmly demands of him before reaching into his pocket with his free hand. He fishes out a weird looking mask thing for an animal muzzle, which certainly doesn't look like it'd fit in his pocket.

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