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Note: (the art on the cover of the story (if you see it) is for a Collab I'm taking part in with the TPN OCS artists! It's still not posted anywhere so you guys see it in premiere👀 I will be posting it later in my art book so don't worry if you don't see it)

Note (from ao3): Here's chapter 2!! ^^

I'm sorry for this chapter btw ;-;
But you all know how lambda is😔

Anyway, enjoy!

Rosemary woke up in an unfamiliar room. It's been two days since she was sent to that new place.

Lambda 7214.

At least that's how the scientist assigned to her said it was called. She did not like that place. Rosemary still hasn't seen any other children. Or even women!

The only people she saw so far were scientists. And even those demons. No one answers her when she asks why she was brought here. They just tell her to shut up and do as she's told.

So far, they were only making her take daily tests. Rose did notice how they would become harder and harder every time. She would always keep in mind what Norman and Ray would often tell her and Emma.

"Observe. Adapt. Strategie."

During her time here, she will do just that.


Two months passed. They had started to make her take some pills every morning. She had asked the doctor assigned to her what the pills were for, but he never answered her.

Today was a special day. Well, according to the scientist in charge of her.

The man brought her to an unknown room. Rose had never seen this room before. There was a weird bed in the middle of the room and five scientists were there. Multiple weird instruments were scattered on the table beside the bed.

« Go on the bed. »

Rosemary looked at the man before looking back at the bed. He let out a sigh before pushing her towards it.

« I said go on the bed. »

Rose felt her eyes start to itch. No. She would not cry. Not in front of them. The girl did as she was told.

Another man approached her. He pushed back his glasses before giving her a reassuring smile.

« I know you're scared, but don't worry. I'm here to make sure nothing happens to you. You can hold my hand if it can reassure you. Okay? »

Rosemary nodded and grabbed the man's hand. His hand was warm.  She felt a pinch on her right arm before slowly falling asleep.


Rosemary woke up in her room. She was cold. Very cold. She was also feeling nauseous and like her head was about to explode. Her vision was still blurry and her hearing all fuzzy.

She managed to get out of bed and to her bathroom where she reached the toilet and puked in it. Her tears started rolling down her cheeks. It felt like an eternity to her.

Once she was done and her vision was becoming clearer, she noticed that her bangs weren't in her face. She went to clean up her face with water and when she raised her head back, she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes widened and her tears came back as she let out a gasp.

Whatever they did to her back there, they had to shave her hair. She turned her head to see the side of it where it was hurting. She saw a wound all stitched up. It was hurting so much.

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