Chapter 1: Awakening

Start from the beginning

The Vulpix rushed over to Theo's side and quickly realized what happened. "It must have been a Poison Sting, let me find a Pecha Berry," She said, putting her bag down and rummaging through it. She quickly pulled out a pink berry and placed it in front of Theo. "Eat this, it should deal with the poison."

Theo looked at the berry nervously trying to figure out if it was safe to eat, and hesitatingly took a bite. "This is... surprisingly sweet," Theo said before taking a few more bites.

His comment caught the Vulpix off guard. "Surprisingly sweet?" She repeated, bemused. "That is how all Pecha Berries taste, have you never had one or something?"

Theo shrugged. "Not that I remember," He said, quickly trying to decide whether or not he should share his predicament, and how much of it.

"Wow, even my parents weren't that strict," the Vulpix said. "I don't even want to know what yours were like."

Theo sighed. "I... I don't remember my parents. Or much of anything for that matter."

"Oh Arceus I'm sorry!" the Vulpix apologized sincerely. "I was running my mouth, I didn't mean to be insensitive."

"It's alright," Theo said. "You didn't have a reason to assume that I lost my memory, and I honestly don't remember enough about my past to be offended." He added, trying to comfort the Vulpix, though he couldn't help but wonder if he meant what he was saying.

"Do you know how long you've been here?" the Vulpix inquired.

"No clue. All I can remember is my name." Theo said, deciding to keep the fact that he was once a human to himself. "I'm Theo."

"I guess it would be rude of me to not introduce myself too. My name is Tina, and I live in the village of Buwell, which is near the entrance to this Mystery Dungeon." She continued, one of her ears twitching.

"Mystery... Dungeon?" Theo repeated, confused by the unfamiliar term.

"Y-you don't know what a Mystery Dungeon is?" Tina asked.

"Not a clue," Theo replied with a chuckle. "Should I?"

"I guess with your amnesia it makes sense that you wouldn't know what a Mystery Dungeon is, but how did you get four floors down without realizing..." Tina muttered, before being struck with a realization. "The winds!" She shouted, sounding almost elated. "The winds must have caused your amnesia!"

"What do you mean winds?" Theo asked, puzzled.

"Follow me, I will explain on the way," Tina replied before walking towards the northern exit to the room.

"A-all right," Theo said, chasing after her, "Explain away."

"So," Tina began as she led Theo through a maze of tunnels, "Mystery Dungeons are believed to be space-time rifts. They have multiple floors that can be traversed through staircases with layouts changing from one day to another, believed to be thanks to the winds."

"Could you explain the winds then? What is so special about them?" Theo asked.

"Well, the winds are a strange force that blows through these dungeons and force Pokemon like you and me out of these dungeons, if you're lucky," Tina explained.

"And if you aren't?" Theo inquired as they turned a corner.

"Well, various things could happen. Those Pokemon that attacked you weren't always that violent," Tina said. "Those stuck in the dungeons during the winds lose their memories, then their minds. The winds change how you think, confine you to these Dungeons, and make you violent, almost feral. I would be willing to bet that you were probably stuck here while the winds blew, though why you only lost your memory is beyond me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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