Prologue-This isn't a very fun war.

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Forgotten's heart raced as she quickly slammed the blade of the axe against the partgoer's neck, her mask was crooked and cracked, and one of her hands wasn't humanoid anymore. It was like that of a partygoer's hand. She took a quick breath as she quickly ran down the halls, holding tightly onto her axe as she did. The faster she got out of this level, the better. As long as she was still alive despite all of this, she could help humans still, and that's all they needed. She just wanted to make sure that she would still survive after all of this. She could fight it, she would fight that stupid infection from those stupid partygoers. After everything they've taken away from her, she had to fight. She had to be strong.

Shattered slowly dragged his large axe across the colorful floor, his revealed eye flickering across the room as he listened closely to any noise. His mask was shattered halfway, hence the name and his left arm was missing, the sleeve completely cut off and covered in bandages. He had heard about the fun war from small conversations around, he had tried to get back to his level, but every attempt at noclipping ended up failing, and he was met by another barrage of Partygoers. But either way, he could still fight them like it was anything else. They were just as weak as those smilers that he fended off every once in a while during the night cycle at the old level. But he had to fight, those partygoers weren't going to stop them, not now, not in a million years, never.

Anderson's breath was quick as he felt pain shoot up his arm. He collapsed against a wall, his eyes wide in pain as he looked at his arm. It was becoming a leathery texture, and yellow. He could've avoided it, but he didn't. He could feel the transformation crawling up his arm and shoulder as he struggled to sustain his calm demeanor with the pain. Any moment he could fully turn into one of those things, and he was scared about that. He didn't want to become one of those things, it couldn't happen, and it wouldn't. The feeling stopped, by the time it got to half of his face, his eyes widened as he glanced down at his arms. One of them was like that of those creatures... But the other was perfectly fine.

Talon groaned, spinning the gun by the sear. The gun landed perfectly within their hand and they shot, swiftly killing a partygoer as their other hand rested behind their head. This was boring, everything was! Even killing stupid things that killed humans was boring! The only thing that wasn't boring was talking to those humans or Partypoopers. Yet they couldn't even do that now, and they may never be able to speak to Partypoopers ever again. They just wanted to get out of this boring level already. Despite all the colors, it seemed to fade to black and white only for Talon as they walked through. They just wanted to get out of here, and back to their home level already! But that couldn't be as easy as simply walking through the wall like normal. No, it couldn't be.

Partyanger shouted as he quickly brought the axe down onto the Partygoer, the blood quickly blending with his red skin and dipping down as it seemed to be drunk through his skin. He quickly raised it to hit the body again, before he was stopped by his only friend. Partyplayful sighed, bringing down Partyanger's axe slowly as they looked down at the body, taking a moment to notice the damage before putting their hand against it, causing it to evaporate into white orbs like it was their soul being set free. She looked to Partyanger and nodded, before quickly following after them as they went to run down the colorful halls.

Cheyenne stumbled, her head ached as she felt something trying to almost tug at her memories, but it kept on failing every time. She was much taller than before she passed out. Glancing down at her hands she jumped, stumbling backwards and falling to the ground. Oh, no no no! She couldn't be one of those things could she?! She was scared, horrified, she couldn't hurt anyone- it wouldn't be right- she- but... didn't people say they don't have any memories of being human? How did she remember then? She pulled herself up, glancing back to where she passed out to see the first aid kit that she held on her. She took a deep breath, using the bandages to hide her hands and then holding onto the first aid kit as she started to walk through the level.

Partychaos quickly ran down the hall, barely even losing breath as they quickly threw a bomb up into the air, watching as it hit the ceiling and boomed into colorful smoke. She laughed as she quickly slid into a room and threw herself against a wall, listening to the Partygoers rush by before she turned the corner and ran the other way, where she came from. Her smile grew as she ran down the hall from which she came, pulling up her sleeves to reveal heavily bandaged hands with sort of claws. She moved her mask slightly to the side to reveal a pair of mismatched-color eyes, blue and yellow, as she quickly slid to sit on the ground, pulling out a piece of paper and rolling it out to look at the drawing that she was working on. Finally, she knew what those things looked like! Now she could finally finish this.

Misfortune slowly stepped through the halls covered with corpses of their kind, smiling softly under their mask as they stared at their mask, the frown now overwritten with blood as a smile. Happy, it was better. He wouldn't respond to his name anymore. No, Misfortune was no more. It was now Paint. He didn't care that his kind was dying, he was happy about it. He had been working with the partygoers behind their backs for a long time now, he was helping them plan this attack, the amount of survivors, everything. As long as all of his kind was dead, then he'd finally be able to be free. Free from the backrooms, finally out of this hell.

(1065 words... Defo a lot more than the original.)

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