Chapter Twenty-Seven

Comenzar desde el principio

Ellie shrugged it off, either because she really wasn't worried or because she was talking to her niece. I didn't try to figure out which. "I was right next to one of the gunmen," she said. "This stuff happens. I'm sure it'll go away soon enough."

"Feeling strong enough to give us a full report?" Dad asked.

And just like that, Ellie disappeared, replaced my Eleanora Sutton—top disguise consultant for all of the major leaguers. "Sure. Let's get it over with."

Aunt Liz didn't miss a beat. "Alice," she said. "Bed, please."

Alice groaned, hitting us with that trademark roll of the eyes. "But it was just about to get good!"

"It's just about to get classified," Dad corrected her.

"But Uncle Zachy—"

"Just Zach."

"This isn't fair!"

"Hey," Ellie cut in, using that voice that every aunt had. "Be cool. You'll have your chance, just not right now, okay? Get some sleep and then in the morning we can have breakfast together before you go to class. Catch up on everything that's been happening in your life—like the boys."

Alice looked like she wanted to turn bright red, but absolutely refused to let her emotions betray her in front of the best spies she knew. She cut me a glance, ordering me to keep my mouth shut, and I had to bite back a smile.

Ellie didn't miss this exchange, but she was too cool to say anything in front of Aunt Liz.

Defeated, Alice stood, walking past everyone with her nose up until she got to me. She looped her arm through mine, ready to take me upstairs with her. I was ready to leave, to be honest, but then my father cleared his throat and Alice stopped cold. "Just Alice. Everyone else stays."

I had heard a lot of classified conversations in my day, but not once had I actually been invited to listen. I watched my dad, trying to see if this was a joke that was falling flat, but he was nowhere to be found. Looking back at me was none other than Agent Zachary Goode—boy who took down the Circle—and he was looking at me like he was ready to run a mission with me right then and there.

When I looked to Alice, I didn't see the jealousy I had anticipated. In fact, she looked totally psyched. I knew immediately what she was thinking. She had a man on the inside. Infiltrating this conversation would be easier that she had thought.

With that, she let me go, giving me a firm nod that very clearly indicated that I'd be dishing out details soon enough. She turned on her heel, taking off to our room, and I stepped back inside to hear what Eleanora Sutton had to say.

"Close the door," Woods ordered. I did as I was told, unsure of what to do next. Was I supposed to sit? Stand? I didn't know, and so I just waited, wondering what came after you were allowed on the inside of closed doors.

They spoke so fast that I was sure I'd miss something. "How much do you want?" Ellie asked.

"Abridged," said Dad. "Just the immediate information. You can write a report when your hand isn't broken."

"All of the immediate information?"

Dad glanced at me for the shortest of seconds, then back to Ellie. If I had blinked, I would have missed it. "I'll let you know when we have enough."

There was a second meaning to these words. I could hear it. I just couldn't figure it out, and so I listened, hoping that maybe I could piece it all together. "They call themselves the Gathering for Goode," Ellie said.

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