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It was a regular school day as the girls were playing water volleyball in the pool gym as Jayden was shown in blue swim suit as the straps cross with a water cap on her Head she was on the opposite team as they play.

The ball flys over landing in the water by a girl named Carrie White who had long blonde hair underneath her swim cap as she wore a blue swim suit.

The whistle was blown as the gym teacher was shown as her name was rita desjardin as she wore a blue skirt with a yellow tank shirt as she blows the whistle and claps her hands "alright Carrie White lets get Carrie into the game can't stay on the side lines All the time"she says as Carrie slowly walks forward towards the ball as she grabs it.

"Yeah let's go Carrie"Chris says acting like she's cheering Carrie on but really mocking her as Jaydens eyes darken.

Carrie as she throws the ball up as she serves with a hit but instead of going over the net it accidentally hits sue in the head as the girls but Jayden gasp and laugh as sue playfully glares at Chris"ha ha very funny Chris who laughed as she grabs the ball turning to Carrie"you eat shit"she says tossing her the ball as she frowns.

They were soon shown in the showers in the locker room Jayden was washing up as her hair was in ringlets before she hears Carrie scream as she quickly turns off the water wrapping a towel around her as she runs out the shower around a corner and what she saw made her blood boil there Carrie was freaked out of her mind in a bloody towel on the ground asking for help crying her eyes out as tampons and pads were being thrown at her as they chant plug it up as Chris recorded everything.

She glares as the lights flicker making everyone stop as they look around as the lockers rattle before one of them slams up smacking Chris in the face as eye one jumps as she cry's holding her bleeding nose before the lights go back to normal and the rattling stops.

"Oh my god are you okay"Tina asked checking over Chris while Jayden hides her smirk before Ms. Rita comes in pushing her way through the girls "girls move ..."she says before seeing Carrie on the ground crying covered by tampons and pads scared out of her mind as she walks over to her calmly as Carrie pushes her self up "alright ok honey stand up"she says softly as Carrie grabs her skirt with her hand leaving a bloody hand print as she begs for help.

Rita continues to try this get Carrie to stand up before Jayden notices the tampons and pads move away from her she shakes her head sobbing as the lights flicker 'she like me 'she thought before a smack was heard as Rita slaps Carrie snapping her out of it.

She then sees Chris about that walk past her before grabbing her arm tightly "you on my list bitch"she whispered Coldy as Chris stares into the darkness in her eyes before quickly yanking her arm away as she rushed off.

She then shown wearing black leather pants with knee high black boots with a red halter tank top showing her abs with a short black leather jacket as her hair was in a loose braid as she leans against her car smoking a cigarette as she watches Carrie be walked out by her mom before putting out her cigarette as she gets in her car before revving the engine as she drives off.

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