20. Self sacrifice. Literally

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I silently listened to Eleanor nonstop blabbering about this weekend. It was just Thursday but her excitement was unbelievable.

"We'll go shopping. I love shopping." she gushed and I nodded. "Figures." I muttered and she turned to me with a glare as we went into the school building.

As much as she was excited,I was just going through the basketball videos on my phone. She stepped infront of me and started walking backwards. "Why do you never get excited. I'm trying to boost your mood but you just wont budge will you?"

Oh sweet Eleanor, she had no idea who she was friends with. As we walked on,Eleanor kept walking backwards before I looked up from my phone. My warning was way too slow because before I could open my mouth. She bumped into a guy and his phone dropped down.

"What the heck? Look where you're going...." The guy snapped before he immediately kept quiet setting eyes on me. Eleanor had rushed behind me so I think the guy thought I'd bumped into him.

I recognized him to be on the Soccer team. Well,I was right at the center where he stood was Aiden Frost. I could feel Eleanor's tight grip on me.

Strange girl,one day she's brave another day she cowers. "Sorry." I muttered taking up the blame for Eleanor's mistake. "Girl don't." She whispered but I knew how scared she had to be.

"Sorry? buttercup,you broke my guy's phone. Its expensive, have you no shame of walking absent mindedly in the hall with that thing." Aiden pointed out at my phone and the hall erupted in laughter.

I ignored him and turned to the guy who's phone was still on the ground. He had his eyes set behind me at Eleanor. Did he perhaps know?

"I'm sorry." I said a bit louder to grab his attention but before he could reply, Aiden stepped up. "No not sorry. You're Santiago,you would never say sorry." he announced and I arched a brow. I still dont get why he's creating a scene. "Ever heard of tit for tat?" He asked and my mind went blank trying to process the question but he didn't let me do that. Instead he grabbed my phone and smashed it on the ground.

"Its a fair game dont you think?" I stared at what used to be my phone. Shattered screen is all I could see. Dad bought that phone for my fifteenth birthday. My eyes were glued to it for a while as Aiden's friends cheered and my blood started to boil.

"Fair game?" I grumbled. Eleanor's grip was now tight on me as she could tell i was losing it. "Nora calm down." She whispered but i was in rage before my eyes snapped go Aiden.

"Its definitely not fair before I shatter every bone in your fucking body." I said trying to hold back my anger. Eleanor's grip was too tight and she didn't plan to let go. Until. "You are as weak and useless as your coach Santiago." He was just fueling my anger. I turned to Eleanor who's expression had turned sour.

She let go of my hand as I slid my bag off my back. "Show him who's useless bestie." she called out before I jumped at Aiden.


"Nora? You do know we can call your parents right?" Yes my stunt got me in trouble with the principal, but I wasn't all bummed out. I would miss the first and second period. I hate Calculus. "Seeing the kind of person you are,I know one thing that I can do to punish you without implementing Commitment rules."

This wasnot happening. Was I dreaming? The principal escorted me out to the cafeteria. My heart was racing as everyone turned to me and started to whisper among themselves.

We stopped at the jocks' table and the principal called out Aiden. He had a bruise on his forehead and a little bloodstain on his white tshirt. "Yes sir?" He looked confused probably thought I'd blamed him for provoking me.

"Santiago." The principal called and I sighed turning to Aiden. Either this,or a suspension. I couldn't afford bad conduct especially with the tournament games up.

I clutched my fists and looked down. "I'm sorry for my misconduct this morning,I'm ready to accept any punishment for my deeds." Not my words ofcourse. Just principal 'what's his face'. Idiot. Even Aiden looked shocked before smirking.

"Why not. I forgive you because I am a good student ofcourse." I was practically dying on the inside as my stomach made several knots. "I wont ask for much,just for you to join us for lunch." He added and I made a disgusted face. "Gross,not in a million years." I gagged and he gestured to the principal who looked at me confused.

Well,that's how I found myself enjoying lunch with the football team. Did I say enjoying? I meant having the quietest meal of my life. These guys had nothing to talk about except girls,if not,then it was football.

They were arguing about something that I'd zoned out until one guy nudged me. "You tell me Santiago. Who do you think the GOAT is?" He asked and I arched a brow. "Lebron James ofcourse." Then the looks they all gave me. Confused,some disappointed and others just wondering how I'd forget that I'm seated with the Football team.

They completely ignored me after that. Just thirty minutes to the end of lunch. I was playing around with my spoon when I felt a shock through my leg. Aiden had placed his hand there. No not again. I cant go through this trauma twice.

He was busy talking to the guys which made me think he'd done it accidentally. So I tried pushing his hand away. No luck for that as his grip got tighter and I clutched the spoon feeling a strange but familiar sensation run through me. His hand moved slowly on my thigh as I inwardly cursed myself for staying silent. I just bit my tongue. Ten minutes.
With every touch I could feel the tingling feeling and it was killing me. As his hand moved higher up my leg I thanked the heavens for wearing sweatpants today. However the situation got out of hand when his hand wouldn't stop moving so I kicked him from under the table.

"Stop it!" I hissed and he rolled his eyes. "Don't be a fun sponge buttercup. Its harmless fun." he whispered down to me and my stomach curled up even more. "Its not harmless if only one of us is having fun." I snapped back. "so which one of us is having fun?" He asked and it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Two minutes." I muttered and heard him chuckle. "We're going for spanish mi amor." He whispered and I swallowed hard. Could this day get any worse.

The moment the bell rang, I rushed out of the cafeteria to the girl's rooms with my breath shallow. I couldn't stop my now racing heart. What happened to me there?

Eleanor came in a while later looking apologetic. "where do I start?" she asked and I smiled. "Simple,how about paying my therapy." I spat and she stepped back. "Sorry,I really had no idea this would happen." I just rolled my eyes at her. Maybe I should stay here and skip the lesson. No that would cause trouble. I'm so lost on what to do.

We were still talking about what I would choose through when the washroom door opened. Georgia came out holding a neutral expression. She looked at the both of us once before going out. A reminder to me that I lost my childhood bestfriend in only a blink of an eye.

"Sorry Nora." Eleanor muttered and I sighed. It wasn't her fault anyway.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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