Caught in the middle, Nico tried to diffuse the tension. "Come on, guys, let's not let this ruin our night. Can't we just play the game and enjoy ourselves?"

As Nico and Bratt continued their heated debate over card game rules, Mercer and I couldn't help but exchange amused glances, struggling to contain our laughter at the ridiculousness of it all.

With each fiery argument and exaggerated gesture, our giggles threatened to burst out, despite the disapproving glances we received from the other guys. I could sense their silent pleas for us to tone it down, especially from Jack, who seemed pretty annoyed.

But no matter how hard we tried, Mercer and I just couldn't hold back our laughter, and the tension in the room only made it worse. Sharing knowing smiles, it was clear that even though the argument was kind of silly, we couldn't help finding it hilarious.

Sensing the need to diffuse the tension before it escalates further, I grasp the pack of cards in my hand and begin to shuffle them, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. "The other day, Jack and I played a game," I announce, hoping to steer the conversation towards something more lighthearted.

As I explain the rules of the game, I notice smiles forming on their faces, their previous animosity melting away as they listen intently to my instructions.

"That's the game we were trying to play earlier," Mercer remarks beside me, his voice filled with amusement as he nudges me playfully.

Returning his smile, I nod in agreement before starting to pass the cards to those eager to join in the fun, glad for the chance to move past the argument and just have a good time together.

"So, I was right, see? I told you! You can't play that card," Bratt declares, pointing towards the guys he was arguing with earlier.

As the argument reignites, a collective groan escapes from the rest of us.

Then, cutting through the background noise, Jack's voice rings out. "No, seriously, I swear she got her boob job less than a month ago," he says to his friends on the other side of the table.

I strain to catch the rest of their conversation, their voices barely audible over the hubbub of the room.

"They're perfect, I'm telling you. Fits perfectly in my hand," Jack continues, his words accompanied by laughter and playful gestures from his friends.

"I never would've guessed Jane was that type," Luke remarks, sparking more laughter from the group.

"Seriously, have you seen her? She's insanely hot," adds Holtz, his disbelief clear as he covers his mouth with his hand.

Jack shrugs casually. "No joke, man. Her surgeon really nailed it," he replies, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Wow, I didn't realize you were such an expert on the topic," Luke chimes in, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Jack shrugs, a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, I know what I like."

Lost in my thoughts, I snap back to reality when Timo nudges me, bringing me back to the present. "Hey, it's your turn," his voice a welcome distraction from the chaos swirling in my mind.

Glancing at the cards in my hand, my mind drifts elsewhere. "Yeah, got it," I mutter absentmindedly, placing a card on the pile without really registering what I'm doing.

Amidst the chatter and laughter, Jack's words hit me like a sudden jolt. His casual talk about another girl's looks, right in front of me, sends a pang of hurt through my chest.

Confusion and hurt cloud my thoughts. How could he talk about another girl like that, especially with me here? Doesn't he have any respect for me?

I look over at Jack, hoping to find some explanation in his eyes. But to my dismay, he seems distant, oblivious to the impact of his words. He nods along with his friends, seemingly unaware of the hurt he's caused.

In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.HUGHESOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz