Chapter 4: Saving the Princess

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Albus' POV. Class 2-2, Alzano Imperial Mage Academy.

It's been a few days ever since Glenn began to seriously take his job.

If I am being honest, I'm glad he's finally giving his best shot.

Surprising enough, there are students from other classes who also want to take part in his lectures.

I won't be surprised by this.

After all, he's the one who helped me unlock my potential to create my original magic....

And speaking of original magic......

Glenn: Oh, since we're already talking about original magics.....

Glenn: I think I heard a legend regarding an ancient mage family who was known to create the very foundations of magic spells.

Sistine: The foundation of magic spells?

Glenn: Yep. This mage family goes way back.....I guess even before the Alzano Empire was established.

Glenn: The records call them as Ancient their spells are mostly composed of Original Magic.

Wendy: Wait, I think I also read of that family in some of the books about magic theory or something.

Glenn: Then, care to share what you know so far about this family?

Wendy: They say that this family doesn't even need to chant or even conjure magic circles or formula to cast their spells.

Wendy: As if the spell or magic is an extension of their mind and body.

Glenn: Very good! You've done your assignment.

Glenn: Because the magic that they wield is very much different from the rest of us, even Celica herself said that the mages who descend from this family would be on a different rank.

Glenn: Octode, a rank that Celica herself created and she said it is only reserved to a descendant of that family.

Glenn: Because not even her, who is said to be the strongest mage in the continent, can ever match even a single member of this ancient mage family.

Gibul: But those are just rumors, right?

Glenn: Well, you see.....

Glenn: Here's the thing that bothers Celica the most.

Glenn: That family erased their name in history.

Class 2-2: WHAT!?

Glenn: The reason was that if they were discovered, who knows that there are people who's going to abuse their power.

Glenn: And it is solely for that reason that they chose to disappear.

Glenn: Oh, and I would say.....they are an entirely different kind of mage.

Glenn: They are what we call as "Spellweavers" because through the loom of their mind, the threads of magic converge and form the essence of that magic."

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