Ch. 2 - This is It!

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A few hours have passed as the scene opens to Kiku exiting his room, passing by the home studio where Kouta is seen still testing her guitar, leaving the door open.

Kouta: "Going somewhere this late?"

Kiku: "Convenience store. Do you want anything?"

Kouta: "Choccy milk! I'll pay please!"

Kiku: "Fine, fine... I'll be off now."

Kouta: "Say safe!"


The scene changes to Kiku exiting the convenience store, holding two plastic bags.

He looks at the automatic doors of the convenience store, seeing a Roselia poster with every member of the band seen.

Kiku: "Roselia..."

???: "Kiku?"

Kiku looks up, seeing a boy wearing the same school uniform Kiku has. A white coat with the school logo by the upper left part, black inner and a red tie. The boy has messy black hair with a long ponytail and orange eyes. The boy also appears to have a long gig bag on his back.

Kiku: "Oh, Haruki. What's up?"

Haruki makes a dramatic pose and smirks.

Haruki: "Feast your eyes-!"

Kiku: "Don't you dare use that personality of yours."

Haruki nods and glares at him while crossing his arms.

Haruki: "Don't "What's up" me. You dare mock the dark flame inside of me, you fool! I didn't see you in our precious institute known as Ryuun Academy, is this Vanguard neglecting his duties?"

Kiku crosses his arms.

Kiku: "I didn't. Maybe you're just blind."

Kiku was about to walk past him but Haruki held him by both of his shoulders.

Haruki: "Come with me real quick. Come on, we haven't seen each other since the festival!"

Kiku smiles at him.

Kiku: "Sure."


The scene changes to Haruki happily eating a bunch of snacks while Kiku sits beside him.

Kiku: "So, why do you have your bass with you?"

Haruki: "Oh, this is the bass I broke in our last performance, I just came by to pick it up."

Kiku: "I see."

Haruki: "You don't remember the bass I used, don't you?"

Kiku just stares at him as Haruki tries to make progress in the conversation.

Haruki: "Man, I want to perform again soon. The higher ups don't have anything for us yet?"

Kiku: "Not at the moment. They're assessing worthy venues for us as far as I know."

Haruki: "That sucks."

Kiku: "I agree, but we have a scheduled rehearsal for the new songs in a few months or so. I'm still working on the new song and I still need more time for it..."

Haruki smiles.

Haruki: "Give us our pieces the moment you finish it, alright?"

Kiku nods.

Kiku: "Will do."

Haruki: "Say... Hoshiko and Kanna want to visit an upcoming joint concert in SPACE soon. Do you wanna come watch? Heard it was set in advance."

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