Chapter Fifty-Four

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Chapter Fifty-Four

Lewis was walking up the stairs towards the Mercedes hospitality lounge at the Singapore track. He knew it would be abandoned since it was a Wednesday afternoon but he also knew there was one person who would likely be taking advantage of that.

Sure enough, as he pushed the door open, there was Dylan. She was curled up on her side across the sofa, hugging a cushion to her chest. Her eyes were closed. In the silence of the room, he could hear the muffled sound of music bleeding from her headphones.

It must have been almost painful to listen to it at that volume but she didn't flinch; she was as still as a statue, the only movement coming from her chest as she breathed in and out. He'd have assumed she was asleep but the tiny scrunch in her forehead told him that she was awake, and probably thinking of all the things she should be ignoring.

It had been three days since they'd heard the news of the break-up and it had been difficult to get hold of her. She seemed determined to not speak to anyone about how she was feeling and his calls had all gone unanswered. 

He noticed her phone on the table in the middle of the room.

A tap on the screen showed him that she was listening to 'Come Over' by Noah Kahan. The loop button was on.

Lewis sighed.

She'd been so excited for this album to come out and he remembered Max at one of their group dinners, promising to take her to the concert when the tour was announced. She'd been counting down the days until the release and now he wondered whether she could even enjoy the songs.

He felt helpless.

What was he to do with such a heartbroken girl?

Like the rest of them, he'd promised not to ask questions but it was proving increasingly difficult. He'd seen Max grow so much over the past few months and he was baffled about what could have happened to cause such a significant event.

There was a rustle of movement behind him and he turned, seeing George poke his head around the door. He cast his eyes over the same thing Lewis was looking at and frowned,

"How long has she been here?" He asked quietly.

"Carlos called me and said she'd disappeared about two hours ago."

George's eyes widened, "She's been like that the whole time?"

He had to shrug, "I don't know, I guess so?"

The two drivers stood in silence for a beat, consumed and confused by the sense of responsibility to their friend and their uncertainty at the right thing to do. 


Lando was climbing out of his car, stretching out his knees after spending so long locking them in one position. He pulled his helmet off and shook his hair out. It had been a sweaty Friday practice and he was really feeling the Singaporean heat.

The red car pulled in behind him in the pit lane and out jumped Carlos, undoing the strap under his helmet and freeing himself. Like Lando, his hair was matted down against his forehead and he ran a hand through it.

He looked up at Lando, "Good run?"

"Not bad, mate. Turn 2 is faster than I expected."

"Yeah, I almost locked up going into that."

They continued to chat as they meandered down the pit lane, undoing the straps on their gloves and race-suits to get some cool air in. As Carlos was about to go his own way, Lando paused and asked, "Have you spoken to Dee today?"

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