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y/n was walking down the streets of zaban city, listening to music through her earphones. both of her parents were busy at work, so she decided to leave home to entertain herself since there was nothing to do at home but sleep.

as a few minutes pass by, her stomach started growling loudly. she had eaten earlier, but it was only a few bags of chips and waffles with syrup.

y/n had some spare cash in her pockets, so she looked around for any good places to eat. one particular restaurant had caught her eye. she noticed that this place was attracting more customers than usual which seemed strange.

y/n instantly became curious. she wondered what seemed to be so special about this restaurant? did they have really good food there? was it starting to become popular? she decided to go and see for herself.

once she entered inside, there actually seemed to be not a lot of people. "huh?" y/n quietly mumbled to herself, looking a bit dumbfounded. why is this place so empty?

she didn't really know what to order. mostly because she had never been in here before, so everything was all new to her.

as y/n was awkwardly standing by the door, she had overheard the person's order at the front. since she was too lazy to look over the menu, y/n decided to order the exact same thing.

of course, y/n decided to wait for a bit after the person ordered, it would've looked weird to get the exact same thing.

she glanced over at the nearest clock, a few minutes has passed and the guy who ordered earlier had disappeared? y/n found that a bit weird, but didn't question it.

when she finished ordering, the chef had told her to go to the backroom of the restaurant.
the room had a small round table in the middle with a few chairs around it. did y/n even question a single thing about this? no. all she cared about was the food that she was going to receive.

y/n sat down on one of the chairs and began playing on her phone as she waited. as time ticked by, suddenly, the room began to move downwards. she immediately realized that it was not just some ordinary backroom, instead it was an elevator. "uh.."

once the elevator came to a stop, the doors began to slowly open. y/n hesitantly got up from her seat, feeling unsure if she should or shouldn't walk out the room. man, where's my food at?

"did i just get scammed?"

y/n let out a sigh of disappointment and walked out of the room with a small frown. the doors behind her closed and she noticed a whole bunch of people were staring, almost glaring at her. y/n awkwardly stood there, seeing as she caught some people's attention, she didn't like it one bit.

she tried to ignore their stares and began walking towards the crowd, hoping to somehow blend in. there seemed to be a lot of older and younger muscular people around, but a few looked pretty average like her.

a green bean had approach y/n, handing her a small badge with the number 402 written on it. "oh, thanks." she smiled, taking the badge from the bean's hand and pinned it into her shirt.

y/n began to observe the people around her, and indeed there were a few weird looking people. why does he look like that? she stared at a guy from a distance in deep thought. the guy was purple and had yellow needles planted in his face which grossed her out. "ew,"

that looks painful. the longer y/n stared, the more she cringed at his looks. eventually the needles guy had caught her staring and stiffly turned his head towards her direction. oops!

her eyes slightly widened in shock and immediately looked away feeling embarrassed from being caught and scared because she could feel him still staring at her from afar.

y/n decided to move somewhere else, somewhere where he wouldn't spot her.

"AAAAAH!" y/n slightly jumped at the sound of someone screaming. she turned her head to where the commotion was coming from and spotted a guy sitting on his knees. the guy watched in fear as his arms started to slowly disintegrate, turning into red flower petals.

everybody formed a large circle around the scene, multiple people whispering to one another with shocked expressions on all of their faces. "how magical." someone said, y/n shifted her attention to the person who had spoken. "his arms dissipated into petals just like that."

the guy who was talking had red or almost too neon pink hair. his skin was oddly pale, too pale to be exact. y/n had mistakenly thought he looked like the colour white. a noticeable feature of his, was his face. there was a painted pink star on under his right eye and a blue teardrop shape on his left.

he looks like a clown.

"and i didn't even touch him."
"just be careful." he smirked, "you must apologize if you run into someone." the crowd had soon dispersed, they've become scared. they all took this as a hint to not mess with him.

y/n stared at the ground, looking lost in her own thoughts. suddenly a ringing noise began to echo throughout the tunnel, earning the attention from y/n and other people.

the noise stopped and the big wall in front of them started moving upwards, revealing a guy in a suit. one thing that had caught y/n's eye was that he had a moustache for a mouth.

is that even possible? how does that even work? y/n thought as she stared at where the man's mouth should've been. there seems to be a lot of weirdos here.

she couldn't seem to see what was going on up at the front since the people in front of her were too tall. i hate tall people. she tried tip toeing to see if she could get a better view, but that was unsuccessful as she could only get a quick glimpse.

y/n let out a frustrated sigh,
"sorry to keep you waiting for so long." a guy in the suit said. "now, we have come to the end of the exam registration." he stated.
wait what? y/n stood there dumbfounded, exam? as in the hunter exam?

"and so, the hunter exam begins now!"

"let me remind you again." he said, "if you are not lucky or strong enough, taking the hunter exam could lead to serious injuries on your part"

"and it could even cost you your lives." should i leave? i mean, i'm even supposed to be here. all i wanted was food.

"for those who are taking the test in spite of all that, please come with me." he said but then added, "for those who are giving up, please leave the place by taking the elevator right behind you."

there was nothing but dead silence, no one budged. they all remained still like mannequins, waiting impatiently for the exam to start. the silence made y/n feel nervous about leaving, so she decided to just stay.

"well then."

"all of 404 candidates have decided to take the first test." he swiftly turned around and began to lead them to the second phase of the hunter exam. the moustache man started off slow but eventually started speeding up the pace.

"i forgot to mention." he said, "my name is satotz and i am the officer examiner for the first phase."

"now, i am taking all of you to the second phase venue." statoz says. "the second phase?" a guy who was running with the crowd questioned, "then, what's the first?"

"the first phase had already begun." he stated and the people around me acted completely dumbfounded. was that not obvious? y/n thought, looking up at the adults around her who looked a bit confused.

"following me to the second phase venue is what the test it all about." he explained, turning his head around to look at the crowd following behind him.

"so, we just have to follow you, that's it?" the guy asked again, "yes." statoz said bluntly, "i apologize for being unable to inform you where and when we'll arrive."

"you'll just have to follow me."

how am i supposed to explain this to my parents?

authors note:
might've wrote this at 4am.

𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗸𝘁, hxh [REWRITE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن