1. Springtime Breeze

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Megumi remembers how he met you in the springtime.

Surrounded by the blossoms planted around Jujutsu Tech, a surreal visage beautifully crafted by the warmth of the season. Thinking back it reminded him of the shojo manga his sister, Tsumiki, would gush about. The shy and awkward protagonist meeting the gorgeously elusive love interest in a flurry of cherry blossoms and rosy-red cheeks. So, it was a near shock to the system when you inevitably sensed his presence, and you met eyes.

My, what beautiful eyes you had.

He notices the twin jewels that hang on your ears, framing your face as it crinkles from its once serene expression into a smile. Smiling as if you've known him for years. "You're Fushiguro, no? Gojo-Sensei told me about you. It's nice to finally meet you!" The mention of his pseudo guardian brings a grimace to his face, with a furrowed brow he nods in acknowledgment. Politely, you greet back with a nod and tell him your name, he simply nods again and doesn't speak afterward.

He's been written off as the Strong Silent Type for most of his life but in reality, he simply preferred the serenity silence brought. You seemed to pick up on it despite only just meeting, deciding instead to listen to the breeze from beneath the shade of a sakura tree taking in the morning light. The springtime breeze whips through your hair, fluffing the usually well kept style and you sigh to yourself, silently fretting over the wreckage the wind brought.

Megumi doesn't seem to mind, he thought your hair looked fine, in fact he couldn't help but stare as you methodically pushed and pulled your hair back into your desired style. It felt strange taking in the appearance of a stranger for so long, as if he were intruding on the privacy of another.
However, his stream of thought was soon interrupted by non other than; Gojo Satoru. "Ah, Megumi-kun it seems you've already met our newest first year." His grin is trained on the pair of you, and you smile back waving a good morning Sensei!

Ruffling the shorter boys hair (much to Megumi's dismay), his smile widens as he plops down next to you, making a space for himself beneath the sakura tree. Resting his head comfortably against the trunk of tree, he sighs in contentment. This image of Gojo Satoru is one your parents never spoke about, only the vision of an indomitable god amongst men. And yet, now here he sits prattling on about his next mission to Sendai, and how excited he is to try the local cuisine.

There was a strange whiplash that came with this revelation. Your, albeit, limited knowledge of the elusive Gojo Satoru was effectively washed down the drain by your first encounter. Come to think of it, the encounter itself was quite strange but, that's a story for another time.

"Oh! I almost forgot to mention it, Megumi, you and newbie-chan will be going to Sendai aswell!" Gojo exclaims happily shooting finger-guns to the both of you. Megumi notices the way your eyes sparkle at the prospect, he however is skeptical. "For what reason exactly?" He deposited. Gojo, paying no mind to the moody boy's tone, whips his phone out to show the pair of you a photo. You scoot closer trying to make out the item in the dark image; a mangled finger.

You make eye contact with Gojo and playfully gag, earning a chuckle from the older man. "What's a nasty thing like that doing in Sendai?" Gojo, with his own flair for the dramatics, speaks of the great evil that once haunted Japan in centuries past, Ryomen Sukuna, the undisputed King of Curses.

An evil only heard in stories, one used to scare the children of Shaman into obedience. You shouldn't misbehave or else Sukuna will come and eat you! It was a trick your mother used to scare you and your siblings into doing your chores. And now, the evil that once existed only in your nightmares is staring you in the face. It was surreal, and a bit terrifying. You however couldn't afford to mess up, this was you first official mission! The start of your jujutsu career and you couldn't let childish fears cloud your responsibility––that isn't who you are.

Besides, it's been a while since you'd visited home.


Itadori had no interest spending the summer quarter running around track fields. Choosing instead to delve into the occult, spirits, and ghouls. Which is why it didn't take him too much convincing in order to join his school's Occult Research club. The club needed another member and he was tired of the track coach nagging him about joining. It was something to pass the time really, he had no real commitment to the club but his upperclassmen were fun to be around.

Recently, Itadori had been roped in by his upperclassmen into stealing a talisman, but honestly he himself didn't know what it truly was. Simply thinking of it as something his upperclassmen were to scared to fetch on their own, he makes his way to the thermometer shed and lazily opened the old wooden doors, they were relatively damp from the last week of humid summers rains but other than that nothing truly out of the ordinary happened.

The small wooden box lied squarely in the middle of the shed. Yellowed with age and sharing the same dampness as the rest of the shed, it didn't capture Itadori's interest much. What did his upperclassmen need with a weird old box? Despite himself he slides the door of the box open, revealing a mangled finger––a dark blackened nail protruding from it tip. He slides his finger over the nails edge and winces when he retracts it; a small cut, blood trickling from the protrusion. Whining to himself, Itadori fishes out a bandage from his backpack, and then stuffing the small box in his front pocket.

Itadori yawns, "Man, it's too early to be looking for ancient fingers..." Now with the light of the rising sun on his back, he begins his brisk pace to school, whistling contently to himself.




I almost pushed it to 2000 but maybe next chapter????? I'm a certified yapper I can't help it and I wanna write for the reader+megumi dynamic!!!!!! And then something for the Itadori lovers (it's me, I'm Itadori lovers)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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