Show weaknesses.

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Oh god. I don't even know where she is now. Radke is not any help right now. He's drunk off his ass, slowly coming down from his ultimate sugar-high of the Ecstacy I knew he'd taken.

His eyes were still wild and it was making me feel sick. He'd probably put the goddamn pills in her drink. This was his fault. I threw him into a cab and told the driver to take him home, but Radke didn't have any money on him, and I groaned, telling him to just take me around the town.

We looked around, but it was dark and we couldn't see anything at all. This was terrible, she was gone and it was Radke's fault!

Radke was still grinning widely, his eyes half closed as he clutched a small bottle of amber liquid. He was too drunk and high to help.

But regardless I climbed out, going through the nearby alley to find her.

I had to find her.

I had to say I was sorry.


I walked around aimlessly, and I was beginning to get upset. I tried to keep the tears back. Kai does not cry. Kai will never cry. No... It shows weakness, something that I don't have. But something I have too much of as well.

But I can't help it anymore, and some small tears make way down my pale cheeks, hitting the cold metal of my lip rings. I feel so sick. I feel so goddamn sick.

But I hadn't done anything. Radke had put the Ecstacy into my drink. But why? What had I even done?! I wandered into an alleyway, putting a hand on my heart. It was beginning to hurt. My heart always acted up like this when I did Ecstacy.

But it was more painful now. It was pounding in my chest, resonating a heartbeat that was too irregular to maintain a steady beat.

I wanted Andy.

"Andy..." I said quietly, sitting on the ground, my heart still on my chest. It was getting even more painful, and I was beginning to black out. My consciousness was beginning to fade out, and I couldn't feel anything.

Mentally, physically, or anything. I called out for him again. "Andy..." I called again.

I was going to pass out, but I could only hope Andy would be able to find me. I closed my eyes, and leaned my head back on the wall, and it was over.

I faded out, and there was only oblivion.


I kept searching through the dirty streets. I remembered that Radke had told me that Kai had a heart problem, and I knew her dancing and Ecstacy wasn't going to help that fact at all.

I couldn't let her die. Radke would kill me. I'd brought her to the party. So this was my fault. My heart was beating really fast at the thought of her. I wondered if maybe she was beginning to enjoy time with me.

But no. She wouldn't. She was a cold, heartless bitch. But she wasn't... She was perfect when she was happy. I wanted her to be happy almost as much as Radke did. I couldn't help it.

When she was happy, she smiled with utter radiance, and the corners of her mouth slightly rose, her full lips pulling back over her teeth. She was so thin and so tiny, and she would fit perfectly in a hug with me.

Was I starting to feel something?

I'd accidentally kissed by her mouth when I'd found her earlier, and I couldn't lie. I'd felt a small twinge even on my own heart.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shadow in the distance. A small shadow against the wall. I could tell it was a woman, and I could see slight bumps on the lips from piercings. It had to be her.

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