As the song comes to an end, we release our hug with genuine laughter resonating in the room. Now, it's my turn to choose an outfit, but comfort takes a backseat this time as I need to get ready for work.

"What does your day look like?" Jack inquires, curiosity evident in his tone as he wonders about the adventures my day has in store. 

"It's kind of a chill day, honestly," I reply, contemplating my mental schedule. "I've got two meetings lined up, and then I need to go see the Smiths, and that pretty much wraps up my day," I inform him, offering a glimpse into the blend of work and personal commitments awaiting me. The casual exchange sets the tone for the day, and as I share my plans, I can't help but appreciate the simplicity of our morning routine

I present Jack with two outfit options for the day, one a bit more daring, the other a safe bet for the chilly February weather. He gives the midi skirt a skeptical glance, shaking his head at the impracticality of strutting around in it during the winter freeze. So, with a shrug and a nod, he settles on the navy blue business suit, a practical choice that speaks volumes about his no-nonsense attitude.

As I slip into the tailored suit, I can't help but admire its clean lines and professional air. It's not exactly my usual style, but Jack's insistence on functionality over fashion has its merits, especially when the frosty winds of February come knocking. Buttoning up the jacket, I feel a sense of readiness wash over me, a readiness to tackle whatever the day may throw my way, armed with Jack's pragmatic wardrobe advice.

"You know," Jack remarks with a grin, watching me as I finish getting dressed, "I kinda dig this morning routine we got going on. Makes waking up easier."

I chuckle at his comment, raising an eyebrow in mock disbelief. If this is Jack's idea of an "easy" wake-up, I can't help but wonder what his definition of a tough one entails. But hey, if our little morning ritual helps him ease into the day, who am I to argue?

"You do?" I turn to face Jack, the gold earring dangling from my fingertips as his unexpected invitation hangs in the air between us. There's a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, a silent plea for connection that I can't ignore.

"Would you like to come to tonight's game?" His voice carries a hint of anticipation, his hand idly tracing his cheek in a gesture of contemplation.

I pause, the weight of his invitation hanging in the air between us. The idea of stepping beyond the confines of our familiar intimacy gives me pause, stirring a mix of emotions within me. I consider the potential implications of accepting his offer, contemplating the shift it might signify in our relationship.

After a moment of thoughtful reflection, I offer a gentle smile, appreciative of his gesture yet mindful of my own boundaries. "I appreciate the invitation, but I think I'll pass for tonight," I respond, my tone soft but resolute. 

Jack's next words carry a bittersweet melody, the weight of impending change casting a shadow over the morning light. "You know, I'm leaving for Vancouver tomorrow," he shares, his voice a solemn echo of the inevitable passage of time.

"Are your parents also coming, since you're facing Quinn?" I inquire with genuine curiosity, as I walk into my kitchen to make myself a quick breakfast. I put yogurt in an empty bowl and garnish it with granola and fruit. 

Jack sits at the table, continuing the conversation, "Yeah, even though Luke isn't going to play, they will attend the game." The casual discussion flows between bites of my breakfast. 

In silence, I go through my phone answering some emails. 

Tomorrow's got me hyped – it's the kickoff for NY Fashion Week, and Eva's got the hookup. She even invited me as her plus one, which is major, but I gotta handle some client paperwork first thing in the morning. 

In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now