part seventeen: bonfire

Start from the beginning

"There you guys are! I've been looking everywhere for the three of you." she crushed us into a group hug.

"You're the one that left not even five minutes into being here." I arched a brow as she pulled away.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." she quickly apologized, then grinned, "But have you guys seen who I've been talking to?"

"Blake Zenner." Nicole nodded, looking over her shoulder at the boy who had began to talk to another guy beside him. "He's cute. How do you know him?"

"He's in my third period and I saw him here while I was getting a drink and he called me to talk to him." she squealed, "I didn't even think he knew my name and we've been talking all night."

"Good for you, El, I'm glad at least one of us is getting some action." Wendy sighed.

"Oh come on, you guys just haven't put yourselves out there." El insisted, "Nicky, I heard Brian Nelson mention something about you earlier. What do you think of him?"

Ella gestured behind us and we each turned, seeing a cute boy with a football in his hand. Nicole grinned.

"I'm not opposed to it."

We all laughed, but suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and I was suddenly face to face with Peter.

"Peter, hey." I smiled at the boy.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." he smiled back at me. Peter was wearing his lettered jacket with a hoodie underneath, a drink in his hand.

"Well you found me." I held up my hands. He chuckled and I swooned at his smile.

"Yeah, I'm glad I did." he nodded, then gestured to my friends behind me. "Hey, how are you guys?"



"Amazing." Ella said, clearing geeking at the sight of the varsity baseball player talking to her.

"These are my friends Wendy, Nicole and Ella." I pointed to the three girls, "Guys, this is Peter."

A quick note, all of my friends knew exactly who Peter was. Not just because he was a popular athlete but because I had talked about him numerous times over our lunch gossips.

"Nice to meet you, Peter." Nicole greeted, acting very believable to be her first time ever hearing about this man.

"You too. You're on band, right? And I've seen you two around at parties. You guys are sick." he looked at Nicole and Wendy.

"Thank you. It's a gift we share." Wendy nudged Nicole. I rolled my eyes.

"If they think being able to control their liquor like that is a gift, then yeah it is." I shook my head and everyone laughed.

"Well I was just wondering if it was okay to steal Y/n for awhile? If you guys don't mind." he said. The three girls glanced at each other, grins spreading on their faces.

"Nope. We definitely don't mind." Ella replied.

Peter turned to me, "Are you cool with that?"

I grinned, "Perfectly fine with me."

"Cool. We'll see you guys around." Peter nodded, taking a hold of my free hand. I gave each of them a look, smiling widely and trying to suppress a laugh as they made obnoxious sex faces.

The night dragged on and more and more people began to drink and dance and play beer pong, which had quickly became one of the main sources of entertainment here.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now