The Safe haven

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"NO! I won't do it." 

"You need to, Nova" Janson said

"I won't hurt my friends." 

"Then I will," Janson said while walking away.

It was all a dream.

I woke up on the plane, sweating like crazy.

I saw everyone around me. Talking and laughing, like nothing happened.

No one knew yet that Janson was my father. I didn't want them to know. 

They've all hurt so much because of him, but now that he's dead it doesn't matter anymore.

"We've arrived," the blonde boy said. 

We all got off the plane, I looked around to see a beautiful beach. There even was a barbeque.

The people seemed happy.

I wasn't, I kept thinking about Wicked.

"Hey Nova" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see Gally.

"Hey," I said.

"Are you okay?"  He seemed genuinely concerned.

That kinda scared me, no one ever cared for me.

But I just met him, he's just being nice.

"I've been better. Thanks for saving me by the way." 

"No problem, it looked like you needed help," He said with a soft smile.

 "Yeah... Why did you save me?" I said.

Gally sighs and looks me in the eyes.

"I couldn't just walk away knowing you would've been tortured."

There is silence now, I didn't know what to say.

"Do you maybe want to meet my friends?" Gally asked.


I followed him into a tent, everyone was sitting there.

They all looked at me and Gally when we walked in.

The blonde boy stood up immediately and walked towards me.

"I'm Newt, what's you're name?" Newt asked

"I'm Nova."

"I see you've already met Gally," Newt said with a little chuckle.

"Come meet the rest," Newt grabs my arm and almost drags me to the group.

While walking towards the rest I looked at Newt, he was smiling.

"I think Gally likes you," Newt whispered to me.

"What are you talking about? I just met him." I whispered back in confusion.

Newt chuckles. "Well, he doesn't like to talk much. It's because... Well, I'll explain later." He was silent for a moment. He was being a little too serious now. 

"If he wants to talk to you, that means he must like you." He said while chuckling.

"Well, I'm easy to like," I said chuckling softly.

"I've noticed that because I already like you." Newt and I kept laughing and talking on our way to the group. I really like him. As a friend of course.

I needed friends, It's better than everyone as my enemy.

In Wicked everyone was my enemy, everyone blamed me for my father's actions.

How could I know he was going to brainwash people and put them in a huge maze?

No one understands me. My sister did. Until she thought I was killed by Janson.

She just forgot about me.

They were all sitting on a comfy couch. The tent was really cozy. Lights were hanging everywhere.

I saw the Asian guy again, he was talking to a girl.

It wasn't Brenda from the bus.


"Sadie?" I said with a shocked tone.

The Asian guy looked up to me. "You two know each other?"

"No. I just know her because she was also captured by Wicked" I quickly said.

Sadie looked at me as if she had seen a ghost.

Well, she did think Janson killed me.

She's my sister, but I don't want anyone to know.

"Yeah. Because of Wicked..." Sadie quickly said.

"Well, I'm Minho," The Asian guy said with a soft smile.

I kept feeling eyes on me.

It wasn't Minho, it was someone else. 

Gally was standing in the back of the tent, almost staring at me.

I tried to not make eye contact. Of course, I looked him directly in the eyes.

I couldn't resist.

There just is something about that guy that made me feel safe.

I hope you liked the second part!!!!

I'm still a beginner so I'm trying to do my best.

Tips and ideas are always welcome!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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