Chapter Twenty Four

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May 6th, 1987 / New Jersey

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May 6th, 1987 / New Jersey

Richie had dared not speak to Amelia once in the days it'd taken them to pack up and fly back home. His unrelenting grudge and Jon's subsequent distance had made for a rather unceremonious end to such a long and gruelling tour.

Just another thing Amelia was feeling dreadfully guilty for; the crew had worked so hard that year, they deserved more of a celebration than the feuding band mates were willing to participate in.

Her eyes darted from tree to tree as her taxi passed through the greenery. Richie had well and truly shunned her. Not only was it distressing to be so distant from her brother, but it was embarrassing! Word travelled fast that Amelia had been caught in bed with the singer; each time Richie blatantly disregarded her or openly sneered at her, she knew exactly what the surrounding crew members thought of her.

They likely already had questions about the validity of her job. A 'personal assistant', bringing Jon coffee and hot chocolate, and now fucking him on top of it. It was too shameful to bear.

It seemed the only people that didn't think she was a 'whore' were Jon, Spankie, and David. She hoped desperately she could add her parents to the list.

"They're home!" Amelia heard the ecstatic shriek of her mother as soon as she'd slid the key into the door. "Adam, get up, they're home."

The woman was soon hugging the life out of Amelia, smothering her in kisses and 'welcome home's. "Where's your brother?" she asked quickly.

"He's staying with a friend for a couple of days."

"Whatever for?" Joan gasped. "Has something happened?"

"Rich and I had a slight falling out," she admitted ashamedly. "He won't speak to me."

"Poppycock!" she exclaimed, placing her fists on each hip. "Phone your brother and tell him to stop being such a baby. Now is family time, time to celebrate the end of that never-ending tour!"

Joan seemed to take note of Amelia's expression. She touched her daughter's puffy cheek, eyes swimming with concern. "What's the matter, deary? What's happened."

Amelia's hands shook as she lay her backpack and suitcase on the ground. "Nothing," she answered, forcing a flat smile. "I need to talk to you and Daddy."

"Amelia." Joan peered over her glasses, hands firmly settled onto her hips. "What's going on?"

"What's the matter?" Adam now appeared, towering over both women in front of him. "Where's Richard?"

Amelia ordered her family to the living room. She inwardly cursed Jon for having abandoned her at the airport; it would have been a lot easier to have him by her side.

"What's going on?" Adam questioned, sitting forward in his chair. "Why is your knee jouncing like that?"

Amelia steadied the rogue joint with her palm.

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