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TWS: Epilepsy, Seizures, Dyslexia, injury, not proofread

Seoul's vibrant cityscape echoed with the rhythm of footsteps as the Seo twins, Chan and Changbin, strolled down the bustling streets. At fifteen, their lives were a blend of shared laughter, secrets, and the unspoken bond that only twins could understand. Born just eight minutes apart, Chan was the elder, though he often teased Changbin about being the "younger but wiser" one.

Chan, with his sandy brown hair and a perpetually easygoing smile, had a personality that sparkled with optimism. His infectious laughter could brighten even the gloomiest days, making him the heart of their tightly-knit group of friends. His mind buzzed with ideas, always ready to embark on new adventures. Chan's charisma drew people towards him like a magnet, creating a circle of friends that orbit around his boundless energy.

Changbin, on the other hand, sported a more reserved demeanour. His dark, wavy hair framed his face, and his intense gaze hinted at a depth of thought beyond his years. Despite his calm exterior, Changbin was a creative soul, often found lost in the world of words, jotting down lyrics and poetry in his notebook. Yet, beneath the quiet exterior, there lay an undeniable strength and determination that earned him respect among their friends.

As the day unfolded in Seoul, the twins navigated through the city with their close-knit group of friends. Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin - each with their unique quirks - formed a diverse and inseparable band of companions. Their lives were filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a sense of unity that only deepened with time.

However, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, the Seo twins carried their own burdens. Changbin, with his gentle spirit, battled epilepsy, a condition that occasionally cast shadows on his otherwise bright existence. His friends learned to be vigilant, and ready to support him during unpredictable moments.

Chan, though seemingly carefree, wrestled with dyslexia, a challenge that he met head-on with unwavering determination. His struggle with words and letters never deterred his love for storytelling and creative expression. Instead, it fueled his passion to conquer the hurdles that life threw at him.

Together, the Seo twins and their friends faced the challenges of adolescence, forming an unbreakable bond that wove through the vibrant tapestry of Seoul's streets. Little did they know that their individual struggles would become threads in a shared journey, weaving a story of resilience, friendship, and the undeniable strength that comes from facing life's complexities as one.

Changbin's journey with epilepsy was a constant undercurrent in the symphony of his life. Focal-aware seizures, a type that often felt like a brief interruption to his consciousness, were the shadows that occasionally loomed over his otherwise sunny days. In those moments, he would lose himself briefly, the world around him blurring into an abstract painting before snapping back into focus.

His friends, the Seo family, and especially Chan, had grown accustomed to these episodes. They were attuned to the subtle signs - a distant gaze, a fleeting pause in conversation - that signalled Changbin's journey into the ephemeral world of his seizures. They learned not to panic, knowing that the seizures were a part of who he was, not defining him.

Changbin's family, with Chan and their parents, was a pillar of support. Having been diagnosed during childhood, Changbin's parents had navigated the uncertain waters of epilepsy with unwavering dedication. Countless visits to neurologists, sleepless nights monitoring seizures, and adapting daily routines to accommodate the unpredictability of his condition had become second nature to them.

Yet, despite the initial shock, the Seo family approached Changbin's condition with resilience. They educated themselves, seeking out support groups and resources that would help them understand epilepsy better. Being the elder by eight minutes, Chan took it upon himself to be a steadfast advocate for his brother. He learned to recognize the signs of an impending seizure, offering reassurance and support during those moments.

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