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Hey! Has it been almost a year and a half since the first one shot? Yes. Has it been a year and a half since I started the second part? Yes. But many things happened in the meantime >< The continuation and end of Winter Falls, my work, etc etc. But it's here! It's the most important! And I'm happy with it.

Hoping that the third one shot doesn't take as long to arrive. (I said it would be a series of three but... maybe more? haha I still have too many ideas......)

/!\ This is the sequel to the first one shot, cannot be read separately :)

Just as a reminder: Chan is 17 (soon 18) and Hyunjin has just turned 16.

.I hope you'll enjoy!


The floor cracked under his feet, as he bounced happily in his room.

The room was largely lit by the bright sun, passing through the velux windows. It was so rare, with the location of their dorms. They were now in early April, and winter had finally given way to spring. And so, good weather too!

Jeongin, who was lying quietly on his bed while reading a book about The Battle of Hogwarts, raised his head.

"Would you stop jumping around like that? You look like a Pixie under co-... co-... what's the name of the strange product that muggles use? Anyway... You're shaking the whole room!"

"Coke, Jeongin. It's drugs, and if you're offered, you have to say no."

Hyunjin put the clothes he had in his arms on his bed before turning to his friend.

"And don't be grumpy. I know you're not going home for the holidays, but that's no reason to be mean to me."

"I'm not grumpy. I just want you to stop shaking all the dungeons by jumping everywhere."

He rolled his eyes, before diving back into his reading. Hyunjin sighed, looking at his suitcase open on his bed, still half done.

"The stagecoaches leave in two hours. And the suitcases have to be dropped in the hall in an hour. I have to hurry."

"You say that, but you hurry just so you can go and make out with Chan. The two of you are disgusting."

The elder was about to resume his activity, before his friend uttered this sentence. His cheeks immediately took on a red hue.

They had been together for almost a month now, but he was still not used to it.

"First of all, no, that's not the reason, and-"

"Stop lying. You've been inseparable since you got together. And it's even worse since last week."

"Well... We're going to spend two weeks without seeing each other." Hyunjin softly said, suddenly less confident. "Chan doesn't have a smartphone. In fact, his family doesn't even have a phone. And I'm technically not allowed to do magic outside of school. So no fire-calls. Our only way to communicate is by letter, and...we're going to be almost 4350 miles apart."

"Yeah. I would not like to be in your place." Jeongin replied without conviction.

He immediately took a pillow in his face. The youngest dropped his book under the blow, screaming to have lost his page the moment after.

Hyunjin was gritting his teeth, continuing to pack. He wasn't upset by Jeongin's reaction. He knew he didn't want to be mean. He was the one who was just a little too sensitive...

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