The save.

21 3 14

It was dark.

I still didn't know where I was. The only thing I knew was that I was far from home.

I was in a room, laying on a table.

I saw people walking in, they didn't seem like good people.

Then I heard gunshots and bombs exploding. 

The whole room was shaking. 

 A guy stormed in. 

"Where is Minho!" he said while pointing a gun at the doctors.

He looked around and realized that Minho wasn't here.

He looked at me and saw that I was really scared.

He untied me and grabbed my arm.

He took me outside of the building and took me to a bus full of kids.

"Go in the bus, it's safe there" he said with a comforting voice.

I didn't say anything. I just walked into the bus.

In the driver's seat, there was a girl.

"I'm Brenda" she said with a smile. 

"You can sit here next to me, there aren't any seats left"

"Okay..." I said while sitting down next to her.

I wondered who these people were. 

Gaurdian angels?

The guy came back. 

His facial expression changed.

It was like someone had died.

He got on the bus, he walked towards me and Brenda.

"Chuck is dead, we were too late with the cure." He said.

"What?" Brenda said with a shocked face.

Who is Chuck? and what does that guy mean by "we were too late with the cure"

"Where are we going" I said quietly.

"A place called the Safe Haven," That guy said.

"I'm gally by the way" He said while turning around to look at me.

"I'm Nova" I said 

"You have a pretty name" He said with the slightest smile.

"Thank you" I said with a soft smile

"Already flirting Gally?" Brenda said.

Gally sighs and doesn't respond.

Brenda drove us to the big gate.

They were all waiting there.

I saw another girl standing between two guys.

An Asian guy and a tall blonde guy.

There was also some sort of plane next to them.

We all got off the bus and got on the plane.

While sitting on the plane I heard them talk about Chuck.

I still wondered who he is. Well, who he was.


Hope you liked the first part!!

If you have any tips or ideas please leave a comment!!

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