Day 6 Of Behaving (A sort of long story)

Start from the beginning

[In the bedroom]

{Clay looks up a notices his brothers are packing up their backpacks and takes off his headphones}

C: Uh, what are all y'all doing?

S: Packing.

C: Why?


JD: Yeah, what he said.

C: WAIT! That is today?!

S: Yeah, why?

C: Uh, how long will we be there for?

JD: Gram said until 7 because she wants to get her money's worth. I mean, 130 hugs for a free pass to the whole waterpark! That is a steal!

C: What- I'm not sure what you mean by "free"

JD: Well, there's a special sale today. Usually its 350 hugs. Phew, too expensive.

C: Uh. Okay.

S: Why aren't you excited?

C: Well, I mean.. I have this book..

JD: Screw books man! We'll have a whole day of fun at the waterpark!

C: Uhm. okay. Maybe I'll just bring it with me.

S: Mkay.

{They grab their flipflops, pool noodles, and goggles}

F: I'm ready!

JD: Alright lets go! 

F: Wait, where's Branch?

JD: Probs downstairs. Now lets go.

F: Okay!

{They go downstairs}

RP: Hurry! 

{Rosiepuff checks the clock}

RP: Its 10:52! We have to go now!!

F: Okay Grammy!

{The 4 boys run into the critter car}

RP: Alright lets get movin-

F: *gasp*

{There Branch was. In the driver's seat. In his denim shorts and with frosted tips}

S: Ain't no way-

C: MOVE! I'm trying to sit down! 

S: Jeez! Okay bookworm!

{Clay completely ignored that comment and sat down}

JD: Heh- Branch has more style than you-

S: How would you know anything about style? You have none!

JD: Oh my golly. I ain't fighting you today.

S: Hmph.

F: Brrraannccchhhh! You look awesome!

B: Yeua!

{Branch giggled}

RP: Okay sweetie, you're gonna have to let me drive okay?

B: Why?

RP: Because you aren't old enough. 

B: Ootay!

{Rosiepuff carries Branch to his carseat}

{They were finally on the road. It was 11:02, will they make it?}

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